The secretary was not at work this morning so Leroy himself called Quest. He had tried on the weekend, but the office was closed. Now he reported, “The woman said we have paid ahead. We are good until December 1.”
A bit later he called again, “I talked to someone else and asked about our charges. We will be charged monthly for the phone bill and the internet what we had been quoted plus taxes. They are going to send me an itemized bill so we can see where all the money went. One thing was that we had to pay for the new modem.”
So other than paying for the modem and the connect charge we are square. Those charges seem fair, but we feel that we should have been informed of them ahead of time. Not all workers are created equal. Then we suspect it was a computer glitch that we got that other threatening notice. Or at least some wires were crossed. If it had not come on a weekend all would have been clarified in minutes. The danger of this type of experience is thinking that worrying and fussing make a difference helping solve the problem.
Late Saturday afternoon Leroy and I rode our bikes downtown and took a walking tour. It was called the beautiful homes route. They were indeed beautiful. I would have liked more information about the homes, but this tour seemed to be aimed at health information rather than landscape information. Distance is given as is the estimated calories burned. Someone told us there are some tours that give information about the architecture and history of the buildings downtown. I will have to look for those brochures the next time I am there. Or there are still four walks to be completed on this flyer.
On the way home we biked up a steep hill. Long and gradual does not prepare one for the effort of a steep hill. I was gasping quite a bit by the time I got to the top. Puts me in my place as I thought I had surely gained considerable strength on my other rides. More work ahead.
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