Why do the oddest places in the house get the most heat from the furnace? The laundry area wins in this place. I realize that it might have something to do with the fact that it is directly over the furnace. The partial bathroom on the main floor is off the laundry and if the door is shut there is no heat. Will it matter when it gets below zero?
The mint in the garden is quite fine, some of the best we ever have brewed into tea. Leroy used the dehydrator on quite a bunch of it. I later picked some more. It seemed too much bother to get the machine out so I put it on three cookie sheets. The plan was when I used the oven I would put the mint in there at the end of the cooling time. It is at least half dry from the air. Can you believe that I have used the oven three times and forgotten every time?
The motion light in the back is super sensitive to many things going by. It is on quite a lot. Usually I see nothing there when I notice that it is shining. Leroy just turned it off. He was tired of knowing that it was on and splashing light all over. We have other lights to the back so do not really need it.
We sanded off the edge of a table and repainted it. Leroy likes it, but I think it is a little dark. In time I will not even notice and it will have become acceptable.
The money from our cancelled airline tickets has not shown in the credit card account. I called the company to learn that it is indeed in the works, but has not come through yet. It could take two or three billing cycles. Seems slow to me since they take the money in about two or three days. It just makes a difference when they are giving it back. Why would that be?
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