Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To Do List


It was time to make a “to do” list so I could get something done. It no longer works to think of a task the night before and expect that it will come to mind in the morning or afternoon or anytime in the near future.

I did all but one task on my list and even added some other things to it after I had done them just to experience the pleasure of crossing them off too.

Leroy rode the bike to the bible study this morning even though many clouds were hanging low in the sky. I kept waiting for him to call for rescue, but before that could happen I heard him breathing heavily as he came in the door. “I raced up the hill and even went 20 mph on the street at the top trying to get here before it started to rain.” he told me with a big grin.

“Is it raining?” I wondered.

“Not really, but there is moisture in the air.” he said.

I had to pay a bill at an office within easy bike riding distance so I did that in the afternoon since the sky was now clear. When done I rode around the park trying for a little speed to get a bit more exercise out of the experience. We are indeed blessed.

At noon we had lunch with the seniors in the congregation. It is nice to be able to spend some time talking more one on one. It helps me to get to know people. It did not happen today, but for some reason since we have been here at least four people have told me that their child or grandchild died. I have also learned about some serious not visible conditions or diseases that people have. I do not always know what to do with the information so I mostly listen. There is pain everywhere.


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