Saturday, October 30, 2010



“We have not seen any deer in a long time,” Leroy said, “I wonder if they have moved off to other areas.”

As we walked I pointed to a light shape in the early dawn darkness, “Do you think that could be a deer?” I wondered.

“No it is a bench,” Leroy sharp eyes informed me.

A little later I asked, “Are those live deer or statues?”

It was two deer who, after checking us out, went back to eating something off a tree in the yard that was a mere 20 feet from us. They did not mind as we walked away from them. How many deer have we been walking past in the dark?

Beautiful pink was touching the sky in the east as we heard boom, boom, and boom. “I have not heard a gun in a long time, but I wonder if that is duck hunters,” Leroy commented.

The sounds were coming from the direction of the river. We could not even be sure if it was the Iowa or Illinois side.

By the time we got back to the house it was light enough to see. Getting close to home we caught up to a woman struggling with two large husky type dogs.

“Who is walking whom?” I asked.

“It is hard to say,” she laughed and added, “they just saw another dog and they are going a little crazy.”


Friday, October 29, 2010

Oil Change


Leroy’s car needed an oil change. It is Leroy’s car because he likes it best. It fits him and he likes the clutch better. Here we certainly do not need to cars it is really an extravagance. I can manage to do shopping or whatever when Leroy does not need to drive. After all he just has to walk across the drive to get to work. Mostly the cars sit unused. I suppose that could even be 90 percent of the time. Somehow I think that is not good for the earth.

Going back to the oil change, it was done downtown, meaning that we could walk to the library. We walked up some fancy hills with interesting homes. This town is certainly loaded with large, old majestic homes. Many of them do have signs with age on them. The majority of those are from the mid to late 1800’s and a few were older. One of them was for sale. It had not been kept as well as some and the asking price was a mere $86,000. In my past life I would not have said, “Wouldn’t it nice to buy something like this and fix it up?” Today I said it before I had thought too much. But I was thinking that we would do the actual work. Instead it would have to be hired. Amazing what is rattling around in the head.

Not only were the houses interesting, but the hills were steep so we got that good bit of exercise too. It was cool, however sunny and beautiful. I consider it a nice excursion for Leroy on his day off.

This afternoon we picked up sticks in the yard as someone was mowing. We have a large garden cart and we filled it two times. There are still sticks out there, but at least all of the big ones are gone. The strong wind in the last few days brought down many of them. That is something Leroy enjoys too, doing something with a clear beginning and end. That not always being the case in his work.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mysteries of Life


Why do the oddest places in the house get the most heat from the furnace? The laundry area wins in this place. I realize that it might have something to do with the fact that it is directly over the furnace. The partial bathroom on the main floor is off the laundry and if the door is shut there is no heat. Will it matter when it gets below zero?

The mint in the garden is quite fine, some of the best we ever have brewed into tea. Leroy used the dehydrator on quite a bunch of it. I later picked some more. It seemed too much bother to get the machine out so I put it on three cookie sheets. The plan was when I used the oven I would put the mint in there at the end of the cooling time. It is at least half dry from the air. Can you believe that I have used the oven three times and forgotten every time?

The motion light in the back is super sensitive to many things going by. It is on quite a lot. Usually I see nothing there when I notice that it is shining. Leroy just turned it off. He was tired of knowing that it was on and splashing light all over. We have other lights to the back so do not really need it.

We sanded off the edge of a table and repainted it. Leroy likes it, but I think it is a little dark. In time I will not even notice and it will have become acceptable.

The money from our cancelled airline tickets has not shown in the credit card account. I called the company to learn that it is indeed in the works, but has not come through yet. It could take two or three billing cycles. Seems slow to me since they take the money in about two or three days. It just makes a difference when they are giving it back. Why would that be?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Still Coughing


The cough is still with me. Last night I went to sleep in the spare bedroom so I would not disturb Leroy’s sleep. This morning I finally started taking an expectorant. Medicine is not my favorite thing, but I probably should have started sooner. At noon I had a king sized coughing spell. It scared Leroy. I no longer think it is strange that someone might crack a rib because the cough is so strong. It is a good thing that I am strengthening my bones as they all held. Sore muscles abound in the abdomen, other wise I feel good. That is what is so strange about it. I do not think I am infected as everything runs clear.

The electricity went off briefly today necessitating resetting all clocks that run on that power. It taxed my brain but I did all but one. Even Leroy could not figure out how to get that clock radio set. So out it goes. We are not moving it again. Less baggage, less stress. Who needs to know the time in all rooms of the house? I have legs so I can walk to another room.

Last night the battery in my watch died, but that I will replace since I like that watch. If the battery is too expensive I might consider changing as the band is getting fragile as well.

On Sunday I was talking to a woman about shoes. Can’t remember how that happened to come into the conversation, but she informed me that she had been struck by lightening and consequently her feet hurt when she wears heels. Have you ever met anyone who was struck by lightening? This is my first person. Who else is out there to amaze me?


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Changing airline Tickets

Changing Airline Tickets
October 26, 2010


We had purchased tickets to DC. They fit our time line perfectly then a week or so ago they emailed to say that the times had been changed and it would be about two hours later. We could click on a link to change the flight. I tried one day, but could not get in. Mostly I just forgot about it and figured we would live with this less than perfect schedule.

Miriam is not of such nature. She insisted that we could do something about that to make it more to our liking. So yesterday she called the airline and learned that we could just cancel the tickets with a full refund because they had made the change and not us. She found tickets with a different airline that more closely fit the desired schedule. In the afternoon Leroy rebooked our tickets. According to Miriam, with this company we have 24 hours to cancel this purchase. So I waited until after we had something booked before I called and cancelled the first tickets. That was done last night. It makes me nervous to be fooling around with these expensive purchases, but I was happy to get it done more to our liking. This morning, I am a little concerned because the first airline sent a note stating that we needed to be at the airport sooner than they usually suggest. Next I checked the credit card to learn what was happening there. I found our new tickets listed on the billing as pending and nothing about the debit for the first tickets. When I went to that airline website it seems that they have no listing of the tickets. So that is done, but we were told that our credit card would show the return of that money. It is only money, right? I only have the verbal assurance of someone on the phone nothing in writing. Leroy thinks that it should show up in a couple days. Hope he is right.

Speaking of Leroy someone at church told me they were in high school when he was there, but they do not remember him. I said, “He is a quite person so I am not surprised at that.” Leroy went to a large high school with 300-400 in his grade.

Her husband replied, “He (Leroy) talks softly and carries a big stick.”

“What does that mean?” I wanted to know.

“When Leroy does talk,” he said, “You listen.”

There are still new things to learn about Leroy.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Symphony and Disease Progress


Yesterday afternoon the symphony was much better than I expected. The music selections were none I had heard before so I am sure that I am right in saying they were well done. The most disappointing thing is the small audience. They do perform in two other towns so that certainly gives them more exposure. Leroy even stayed awake for the entire thing. That says it was interesting to him.

Yesterday in spite of the cough went to church armed with cough drops, hoping I would not pass my germs around to others. I thought of staying home, but I wanted to go to the symphony and felt I should not go to church and then go to some entertainment thing. I also sucked cough drops during the concert in the afternoon. Then I looked at directions after I got home to learn that they should be spaced about two hours apart. Did I allow an hour? Maybe, maybe not. Last night at 3:00 am I felt something shift in my head and it was not existential. Shortly I could breathe through both nostrils. Health is returning!

Since the cough was still around this morning, I put some vapor rub on my chest and throat according to directions. I even read the negatives on the container. Either I or my mother has done every one of those probations. Don’t put it up a nostril, near the mouth, in hot water, or heat it. In defense of my mother those directions were probably not there so she did as she desired.

I am feeling much better, with just a little cough and a little tired. I suspect getting a good breath is of great benefit.

Miriam called to say that Olivia fell hitting her head and spent some time in the ER. She is ok, but it was a worry. Also there is snow on the ground this morning in Utah. Winter is indeed coming.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Book Sale


The Burlington Public Library book sale was today. Prices are exactly twice what they were in Chariton. Seems prices of some other things have been higher too. Leroy makes more here, but not twice as much. Salary and costs do not always go together. It is a good thing that we do not need everything. We have as much as we need. I did buy some books, but only half the amount that I usually would.  Leroy did not attend so that means quite a savings right there. This sale does not go on for more than one day. In Chariton we kept going back and finding just a few more books that we would like.

Leroy is gone all day. He left before 7:00 this morning and will come back in the early evening. It makes me realize that being a newcomer in town is lonely. Not that I needed to see anyone, but I realized that I do not know anyone to just call up and say lets… If Leroy died I would certainly have to get my life in order, but how? Seems to me I should just die first and let him deal with that.

I have not been feeling well. I can’t decide if I have a bug or if the cough is from the dry air. Probably it is a bit more than dry air as I have been incredibly tired. Today is better than yesterday. However this afternoon it was nice for a while so I took a three mile walk that wore me out. Since then I have been content to sit and read.

I tried to take a nap, but was unsuccessful. How does Leroy do that anyway? Sleep is not illusive for him. He can even control the length of his naps. He will say I am going to sleep for five minutes or perhaps ten. Almost never had I had to wake him. Such talent!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

I will Vote


Leroy’s sister told me that in Iowa there is same day registration. I will be able to vote as long as I have an ID and a bill that was sent to my name and address. I will do my civic duty. Now I have no excuses. I will have to pay more attention to the candidates so I can be a semi informed voter. Most of my information will come from the newspaper. I suppose that is the old way when there is TV and the Internet. When I do watch TV I hear ads from both Iowa and Illinois as if I need more. Most of them seem to be intent on putting someone else down and that bothers me so I don’t listen much.

I walked over to the airport to see where they flew to from this place. Planes go to Chicago and St. Louis. It would appear that this is daily, but when we checked about flying on Christmas day it stated that it was impossible. Burlington is a city of 25-30 thousand so that explains the traffic pattern.

There was a guy sitting outside on a bench when I went in the front door. Inside, however, no one was in sight, but as I was looking at the board behind the ticket desk a woman came out. She appeared to be security or TSA type person. “Do you need the ticket agent?” she wanted to know.

“No I am new in town and just wondered where you could fly to,” I told her, “I have children who live in far flung places.”

It would be nice is we could fly out of here some time. We could walk to the airport dispensing with the parking and use of the car entirely. I think it is only about fifteen minutes from the house on foot. Seems like a stress free type of flying if you like no crowds and smaller planes. I do, Leroy doesn’t. Perhaps the cost differential would be about the same given parking fees and the 1.5 hour drive to the next nearest airport.

I hung out clothes this morning. My hands wondered what it was all about as they got quite cold. Soon I will have to stop doing this or at least wait until the sun is warmer. I thought of my mother because for years she had to hang clothes outside in much colder weather.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Things

Good things
October 20, 2010


I like the living room better now. We have pounded two nails and hung two pictures that we have not had up on the walls in the US. We did have both of them on the wall in Slovakia, but not in frames. If you would like to see them you can go to this web site. I also took a closer shot of both pictures so you can see them more clearly. After I looked carefully at the painting by Leo Von Konig, I told Leroy, “I am not sure that I want that woman smoking in my living room.”

He just laughed, so she stayed. I intend to put up more things, but I have not yet decided what those things will be. I need to open some
more boxes.

Leroy and I again took a quick bike ride to the library. I had gotten a Tai Chi DVD earlier. It was for beginners. That is ok since it is different from what I was doing in Chariton. Today I got the other DVD with the title Tai Chi for older adults. Sigh, am I an older adult. I do not want to be reminded. Then I looked at the back of the case according to this an older adult is over 50, I am farther along the road than I realized.

I am getting a little more of a belly than I like. Leroy tells me that I look very slender as he walked behind me. “Does that mean I should back into all buildings?” I asked.

“You could do that do since you also have a bit of a belly,” I added, “but then we would never learn anyone’s name.”

It is a job learning so many new names. I have gotten at least ten of them down pat in my memory, but don’t ask me which ten. I remind myself that it is good for the brain.

Leroy got a new driver’s license so he is registered to vote. I sent a letter into the state because I have to renew my license in December. I have not heard from them so I am not sure that I am registered to vote. I have mixed feelings about voting. I really do not want to put the energy into learning about all of the positions and options, but I know that I should vote so I have my opinion out there whether it wins or not. Apathy is not good for the country.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No Blood Given


Even though I knew the appointment time, when it got close I had to hurry around changing clothes, straightening hair, putting on sandals, and locking the door. We got to the blood donation site about three minutes ahead of time, but no problem as they were having computer troubles. She wanted to see my blood card. “I did not bring it,” I said.

“Your driver’s license?” she then asked.

“I have no ID with me,” I said.

“Sorry I can not take your blood,” she told me.

Moving on to Leroy she learned he had his license since he had driven. They even got so far as checking his hemoglobin, blood pressure, and pulse. However, after learning that he had lived for five years in Slovakia they declined to take his blood either. It did not matter that we had been to Africa because one woman said that there is the Africa test of the blood to learn if you are harboring any unfriendly organisms. So now until or if they change the rule we can not give blood for the rest of our lives.

Late Sunday afternoon we took a walk on the storm sewer that comes above ground in the park across the street. It runs all the way to the Mississippi, but we did not quite make it that far as after the railroad tracks it became private property. It is a great walk if any of you want to walk when you visit we can take you on that hike. It is at least a good level surface even if down hill all the way and up hill on the return. I would guess that it is at least a mile one way. Seems to be typical good walk doesn’t it?


Monday, October 18, 2010

Upset Gone


The secretary was not at work this morning so Leroy himself called Quest. He had tried on the weekend, but the office was closed. Now he reported, “The woman said we have paid ahead. We are good until December 1.”

A bit later he called again, “I talked to someone else and asked about our charges. We will be charged monthly for the phone bill and the internet what we had been quoted plus taxes. They are going to send me an itemized bill so we can see where all the money went. One thing was that we had to pay for the new modem.”

So other than paying for the modem and the connect charge we are square. Those charges seem fair, but we feel that we should have been informed of them ahead of time. Not all workers are created equal. Then we suspect it was a computer glitch that we got that other threatening notice. Or at least some wires were crossed. If it had not come on a weekend all would have been clarified in minutes. The danger of this type of experience is thinking that worrying and fussing make a difference helping solve the problem.

Late Saturday afternoon Leroy and I rode our bikes downtown and took a walking tour. It was called the beautiful homes route. They were indeed beautiful. I would have liked more information about the homes, but this tour seemed to be aimed at health information rather than landscape information. Distance is given as is the estimated calories burned. Someone told us there are some tours that give information about the architecture and history of the buildings downtown. I will have to look for those brochures the next time I am there. Or there are still four walks to be completed on this flyer.

On the way home we biked up a steep hill. Long and gradual does not prepare one for the effort of a steep hill. I was gasping quite a bit by the time I got to the top. Puts me in my place as I thought I had surely gained considerable strength on my other rides. More work ahead.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Edge of Upset


We are balancing on the edge of upset. Last night I had forgotten about the internet price issue, but Leroy mentioned it just before sleep came so I had funny dreams. It is his entire fault, right? In the middle of the night at 3:30 I woke and realized that Leroy was also awake tossing around in the bed.

“What is the matter?” I wanted to know.

“Oh I am thinking about that bill. I am afraid that we will get a bad credit rating if we do not pay it.” Leroy said.

Not long after that he went to sleep leaving me to pick up the banner of worry and fuss. I think I stewed that for more than an hour before falling asleep to traverse through even stranger dreams.

This afternoon, Leroy announced, “I am going to figure this thing out.”

Sure enough he paid the bill on line. He can now rest in peace. I am sorry that neither of us is as good at fighting companies as our youngest daughter is. We will check into the possibilities of changing to someone else, although we are not so hopeful about that.

We were spoiled in Chariton by the almost local company that was inexpensive and gave great service. It is hard to move and loose the best that you have ever had. I should learn to be more thankful for those good things instead of being complacent when they are with me.


Saturday, October 16, 2010



Leroy and I are both upset. We got a notice in the mail today from Quest stating that because we have not paid our bill our internet and phone service will be cut on Monday. So if you do not hear from me for a while that will be why. We will be shut down.

It seems that this whole thing is one big misunderstanding. The secretary at church set up the account since the church pays the phone bill. She had understood them to say that the bill amount is $15 per month for internet and $35 for the phone. When the bill came it was significantly more than that. Leroy and I have paid for an internet connection charge that was not mentioned in the first conversation as that did seem fair. We also paid the quoted cost of internet for the month of September. The secretary has spent considerable time speaking with them. One of the problems is that there is nothing in writing as it was all done over the phone. The disconnection notice that we received today was for well over $200.

For Leroy and I the real problem is that we have always paid our bills and have never experienced something like this. I must remember we are fortunate that we can live without phone and internet for a time even if we would not like to do that. We can use our cell phones or the phone at church. We can also use the internet there, but I do not like to do that as I have to work around Leroy’s schedule because of using his computer. And I do not like his computer. It is old and drives me nuts. No one likes to see me when I am nuts.

On a positive note, we had a choir retreat at church this morning. It was great to spend three hours singing. I have missed singing for longer periods of time. There is a local choir that I might join.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Sleep On It


After sleeping on it and washing it again this morning my hair looks better. Perhaps it grew over night, rested, adjusted, or just gave in and decided to look better.

Some wag once asked, “What is the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut?”

The answer, “Two weeks.”

Maybe that should be shortened to 12 hours.

There are still some things I am not as pleased as I might be with the cut, but now I can go out in public without a bag over my head. Driving will be easier and safer.

Leroy gets paid today and we still had some money left in the checking account. We consider that great progress. I can afford these pricier haircuts.

Both problems and hair are better when you sleep on it, giving God some time to work.


Thursday, October 14, 2010



On an impulse when I was at Wal-Mart this morning I went into a shop to get a haircut. I could see they were not busy and I do not really like to make appointments. The girl cutting my hair was quite young and new I believe. This is perhaps the worst haircut that I have ever had. My hair does not lie down very well. She did not know it was naturally curly hair and that might make a different. It is also shorter on the bottom and longer on the top than I like. This haircut took a long time.

When I was in Utah I went to the barber school. There I got one of the fastest, cheapest, and best cuts I have ever had. Nothing like getting the best and the worst back to back. Anyway next time I will find out more information about this other place and try that. At least the person I spoke to has a cute haircut. I am having a bit of a time getting used to the idea that I now have to pay close to double for my cuts.

Leroy got a strange phone call at lunch today. It was made from a payphone and the operator, or computer asked if he would pay for a collect call from someone from the church. He could not understand the name so he said no. Then he felt badly in case it was someone who needed his help. He looked and learned that the number was from northwestern Illinois.

“How could this person get our phone number?” I wondered.

He considered possibilities a bit more then called the secretary at church.

She said, “I got a collect call from that same person. They would not tell me what they wanted other than your phone number. I think they just wanted money.”

There is some new scheme all the time.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010



One thing about moving in the fall is that spiders meet you at the door of your new home. It seems not to matter where it is. Intellectually I think spiders are fine, emotionally I wish I would not ever see another. At least here all of the spiders have been small. It is when they are large that I have more trouble sharing space with them. Today I picked up a piece of lint that Leroy seems to get from his socks only to discover that it was not lint, but a spider. Dropped, stomped on, and killed. After all that I still felt a bit creepy.

There are plenty of spiders outside, but that is ok. I do not mind that, I even think they are good for getting rid of other insects I might not like.

We also have an infestation of Japanese beetles. They came to visit in droves after the bean field next to the house was harvested. It is not really that many in the house. They are only on the back of the house closest to the field. Today they are diminishing in number. It has cooled off some and maybe that explains their absence.

We again rode to the library. It was noticeably cool in the windy downhill ride. Coming back I guess we work enough and we are not moving fast enough to create much wind so it seemed warmer.

Leroy and I as well as two women worked in the church library this morning. I gathered nothing had been done to this one in several years. I have only been in one church where the library was a lively vibrant place with lots of traffic in and out. We will see what can be done here and if the place will be used.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To Do List


It was time to make a “to do” list so I could get something done. It no longer works to think of a task the night before and expect that it will come to mind in the morning or afternoon or anytime in the near future.

I did all but one task on my list and even added some other things to it after I had done them just to experience the pleasure of crossing them off too.

Leroy rode the bike to the bible study this morning even though many clouds were hanging low in the sky. I kept waiting for him to call for rescue, but before that could happen I heard him breathing heavily as he came in the door. “I raced up the hill and even went 20 mph on the street at the top trying to get here before it started to rain.” he told me with a big grin.

“Is it raining?” I wondered.

“Not really, but there is moisture in the air.” he said.

I had to pay a bill at an office within easy bike riding distance so I did that in the afternoon since the sky was now clear. When done I rode around the park trying for a little speed to get a bit more exercise out of the experience. We are indeed blessed.

At noon we had lunch with the seniors in the congregation. It is nice to be able to spend some time talking more one on one. It helps me to get to know people. It did not happen today, but for some reason since we have been here at least four people have told me that their child or grandchild died. I have also learned about some serious not visible conditions or diseases that people have. I do not always know what to do with the information so I mostly listen. There is pain everywhere.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Warm weather


We went on two bike rides on Saturday. One ride was with members of the congregation. It was great to ride on all flat land, but the second ride was late in the afternoon to the library. That got our hill work in. We did stop on the way home for an ice cream cone. We both got small cones, but wished that we had shared instead as it was too much digestion on the way up the hill. Or at least our bodies did not seem to like the combination.

On the way down the hill we stopped at an overlook and watched a barge go through the gap in the railroad bridge. There was a tug on the front and the rear. Leroy thought maybe that was to keep it from banging into the sides. When we came back the bridge had turned back into place. I wonder when a boat and a train want the same space, who rules?

On Sunday was the CROP walk. It was great weather and I walked with some women from the congregation that I had not spoken to before. It was a mother and her two adult daughters. They seemed to be ok with me being included in the group. We just walked the three mile route. Here there is the option of doing one, three, or six miles. When we first walked in these walks it was ten miles. Now that was a hike.

Wasps have been coming into the house. I suspect we have taken out five to ten of them. One of them was dead so it went in the wastebasket; otherwise we do a live trap and release them to the wild. The live trap involves putting a glass or plastic container over them, slipping a piece of paper between the container and the surface, holding tightly, and going outside to let it go. I can not imagine how they get in, but they are doing it. I will be glad for cold weather so they can not move around so much.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hunt woods


Yesterday afternoon Leroy and I went to Hunt Woods which is a park of the county conservation board. We had a map of the trail that appeared to be just a large loop. As we headed off down the trail that was indeed true, but then we came upon a fork in the road. Which way to go? We discussed and made our best guess. It all worked out eventually getting back to the beginning. A compass might be a good tool to have on these hikes, but so far neither of us has thought of that before we leave the house. Instead we are always prepared in the food and water department.

It was a nice one to two hour wooded hike on a sunny afternoon. There were information signs along the way telling about the trees and how they care for the sections of land in terms of cutting them or letting nature take its course. There was a stream, but in this rainless spell it was all dry. We did find a pioneer cemetery that was quite interesting to explore. There were even two graves from the 1950’s.

On the way back to the car Leroy spotted a small snake. We could not identify it. That was nice find since we had not seen a snake in the wild for a long time.

We were interested in knowing if we wanted to cross country ski here. It could be good, but perhaps hard going with the small branches, etc. on the trail. If it snows enough we will probably just go to the parks across the street. There is plenty of room and we have been told that others ski there as well. Hoping for a nice amount of snow this winter. Do you think I am the only one who wants snow?

I have been looking through some boxes. One contained notes and letters from people when we left Ely. That was certainly a lift to read those. We had lived there 16 years. I guess that is why we keep such things, for that feel good feeling that comes from positive comments.

By the way, people are allowed to hunt in Hunt Woods. Signs were posted about the rules.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friday Off


Leroy is taking Friday off and I no longer know what day of the week it is. I think it was my suggestion because then he can sometimes have a bit of Saturday off too so it can mean two days off in one week from time to time. Now we both think Friday is Saturday. Oh brain taxing problems.

It is beautiful weather so Leroy came home a little early and we again rode downtown. It was a great ride, but I have to say that it is not so easy and enjoyable to ride the bike after a bug goes up one nostril. Also a truck came quite close and then someone in the next car yelled that I should be on the sidewalk. Some places bikes are banned on the sidewalk. It is not easy to get exercise and save the earth.

We went to the farmer’s market this evening. It was disappointing that there were no greens of any kind. Kohlrabi was not there either. But I did buy some type of squash that they said was like sweet potatoes. We will learn if that is a good thing or not.

The Mississippi is lapping at the banks and even slipping over a little in some places. The flood crest should come in a couple days or so I think I read.

I have been looking for a poster frame for our Alphonse Mucha print. Maybe because we got it in Bratislava it is not the same size as frames sold here. The frame from K-Mart was a bit bigger than the print, but not acceptable without a mat. Then the $10 frame at Shopko seemed like it might do because there was a fake mat. In the end someone suggested I check out Hobby Lobby. The person who was working at the custom frame counter knew of Mucha. I guess that sold me because I went from thinking the cheapest to why not? I think it will look very nice in this regular poster frame matted to perfection. When she was finishing the order she commented, “We have to put on a replacement cost in case we were to damage the print.”

“I suspect we paid about $2 for it,” I said.

“Well since you bought it in Europe it is almost irreplaceable as you are not going back are you?” she wanted to know.

“We would probably not replace it,” I sighed.

“I will put down $100,” she said, “But don’t worry; we almost never damage a print.”

Tonight I looked on the internet and found this print just a little bigger than ours for $79. Wow! And that probably does not include shipping. The value has risen in my eyes even though I have always liked this. Makes the $40 + for the frame worth it.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Joy in the Day


Went to bible study this morning and met two new people. Nice bonus to the experience. If these people ever wear the same clothes I might remember their names. The study was enlightening too.

This afternoon went to one of the women’s groups. Had a delightful time learning, or being reminded, about Dorcas. Before we got started one of the women told me that the leader “has some dementia so I help her”. All things considered it went off very well with just some repetition. She, being a former school teacher, even gave us homework. I was also impressed that she remembered who I was, but she knew Leroy better than some because her son was a friend of his.

When they ate they had a door prize of the centerpiece. One of the hostesses got the star on her plate so after some discussion she traded her plate for mine. I was not quite up to speed on what was happening until it was all finagled. The center piece looks wonderful on my table. It is a candle surrounded by autumn leaves. I will enjoy that especially since I do not buy decorative items as I have no desire to move them. I will figure out what to do with this candle ring when fall is over. Who knows I might keep it since it is very light weight therefore not such a big deal to move.

This evening I was enjoying a cup of tea as the sun was going down. The beauty and the warmth drew me outside to see it clearly. There was a monarch butterfly on the blooming sedum. That almost seemed like a miracle because while I have seen many butterflies, moths, or flickers on this plant none of them have been bigger than a quarter even with their wings expanded.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hard Work


Yesterday Leroy came home before the sun went down so we went down on our bikes. The destination was the library. I have to carry the books because Leroy does not have a rack on his bike. He got rid of his commuter bike with rack and only has one bike now. I think he misses those bags. But Miriam gave us a small back pack that just has cords for straps so it is quite light weight. Leroy thinks it works very well when he goes to the minister’s bible study. He can easily carry his materials. When we are together I can carry the load and it is not really a problem.

However, when we came back home up that long tall hill I was quite a distance behind Leroy. There was no way I was going to catch up as I did not want to expend any energy in a burst of speed when there was still quite a long stretch of hill ahead. Leroy finally did do some circling and waiting for me when we turned onto a side street. I think I am stronger when by myself as I do not notice anyone else going up the hill fast. Leroy said, “I went fast because I wanted to work up a sweat. I am cold.”

I was a little cold too, but just accepted that fact as the smaller problem.

I am trying to find good homes for some of the old things that Leroy and I are carrying around with us. That can be a tough job as three email addresses did not get me anywhere. A couple things I will just put in the mail and send off when I get some more mailing supplies. We did not move anything like that and I am feeling the lack.

Some things I will still keep, but where to put them? The basement in the Chariton house had a great amount of shelving that welcomed all of our things encouraging me to keep them a little longer. Now my thoughts have turned, but must I buy another bookcase just to put things on it? It seems silly just to keep these things in boxes.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Settled In


The settled in feeling is coming on strong. I no longer feel so much pressure to get something done because everything can wait until I get to it. That includes pictures/posters and unpacking the ten remaining boxes.

Also it is harder to be the almost new kid on the block. At first it is easier to go up and greet people because I do not know them at all. Now I do not know who I should approach and get to know on a deeper level. I start to think that I do not belong as there are so few faces I can put names with. I will get over it, but it is a lonely time. And to think I will go through this again in about a year and then again. Am I in training for some task that I can not imagine? My roots are growing shallowly. Does that mean I can be blown over in a stiff wind? Ah, but perhaps I am now easily propagated.

We saw a bit of frost this morning on our walk. I was glad that I had put the most vulnerable house plants on the enclosed porch. Today I moved them on into the house. Now I am trying to figure out just what room will be their winter home.

The five amaryllis are still outside because I like to have them get quite cold before I bring them in. There are also spearmint and chives in the garden. I will certainly trim some of those for later use, but I wonder if it would be fun to have small amounts in the house in pots. I have never done that before.

I am burying our vegetable peelings, etc. in the garden because there is no compost. I hope the neighbors don’t think I am killing cats. I have only met one neighbor. I suppose I will have to make the effort if I want to know the rest.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Farmer's Market


Thursday evening we went to the farmer’s market. There was a nice assortment of vegetables and fruits. Too bad we did not have life together enough to go all last month. It will be held indoors for this month. The amount and variety of produce will surely change if it freezes. There is no freeze predicted for this next week.

We purchased: tomatoes, cantaloupe, butternut squash, rye bread, eggplant, kohlrabi, kale, and collard greens. It is so nice to have all of these things fresh. The trouble is eating them before they spoil, especially the cantaloupe because it was very ripe.

We have been gifted with pears. After eating them for a week I came to the realization that we will not eat them all before they start to rot. I have made pear sauce twice. It is great with yogurt and granola. Most of it has been frozen to be eaten later. Blessings pushed down and running over.

My life is filled with unexpected pleasures. I never know what will be out there somewhere waiting for me.

Leroy and I hung up nine more pictures. We looked for nail holes in the hall, front entrance, and stairwell to the upper level. Things look fairly good there. I hope no serious decorator comes to visit or I will be obliged to explain that we just used the existing holes.

There are two women’s groups in this church. That is bad because it means I have to choose since I do not want to go to two meetings. One of them sent me an invitation. Does that mean I should go there? I probably will do that, but I do not want to insult the other group. Seems like a hard fence to walk.


Saturday, October 2, 2010



For Leroy’s day off we did not rest. I can’t remember what we did, but we were busy completing many odd jobs around the house. That gave a great sense of satisfaction. In the afternoon we went to Starr’s cave close to Burlington.

We spent some time in the nature center looking at displays and learning about Aldo Leopold who was born and raised in Burlington. He is considered to be the father of wildlife ecology. I had never heard of him before perhaps that is because he lived as an adult in Wisconsin, or is it because I do not know that much about caring for wildlife.

We could only look in the largest cave as it is closed for the winter because of six species of hibernating bats. There was a nice trail and suspension bridge leading to the cave. We visited the second cave which has neither bats nor much space. The third cave we did not go close to as Leroy was not shod for walking through water.

We did then hike the trials in the park. It took a good bit of time as it was a little up and down even though it was only two-three miles. I had to stop three times and empty out my sandals as hitchhikers kept climbing in. At times it felt as if I were walking on needles or boulders. How does that piece of sand cause so much distress?

In the evening we went to our first play about those “Crazy ladies in the house on the corner.” It was quite enjoyable with several occasions inviting laughter.

Leroy declared it a good day even if he was tired by the end of it.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Spending Money


We have been spending money as if we have it. Isn’t that the American way?

Every time there is a move it means much more is spent on groceries as I try to use up as much as we can so we do not throw it out, share it (That looks terrible!), store it, or move it. It is especially true when our things are in storage. We just do not want to deal with that. The plus side is that we hardly spend anything on food before we move, but the negative is that after we move it is it much greater outflow of cash than usual.

Leroy has been paid once here. Our credit card bill is larger than that check. But then besides food and gas we have some other big expenses such as plane tickets, car repair and offering. We have had to draw on that savings account that is just so we can survive without a salary. Thank God we are able to do that otherwise we might have to borrow from our children instead of the other way around. :)

Also thank God for children and friends who fed us and housed us for the intervening two months.

I don’t get out much and it is a bit dangerous to let me in the stores. I went a bit crazy with impulse buying even though our money situation will probably not be flush until next month. I have often thought that a light, re-chargeable, electric sweeper might be nice for the quick pick up. Yesterday I saw one at a good price and before I knew what was happening it was in my cart, in my car, and in my house.

After charging the sweeper all night, I used it this morning. It is great for picking up the surface lint, leaf, and litter. I will like it for keeping this large house looking company ready.
