Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Redbud Trees


The redbuds are in full bloom here. It is beautiful. The state park has many of them sprinkled in the timber. They grow at the mid height so as you look through the trees they create a band of color.

The water was glass still with the reflection there to double the effect. It was great to see people out fishing. Hopefully they were drinking in the beauty surrounding them.

You can see some of the trees at http://picasaweb.google.com/psbradway/RedBuds#

I did have to eliminate one picture as I looked rather sour and unhappy. It would not do for you to get that impression of me.

However these computer issues could create that look permanently.

I tried to upload the pictures to Facebook, but had no success. First I did not have the proper file downloaded (I thought it should have been good since I just recently uploaded some things.) Then I had to check in as the administrator so I could download the file. Back to the guest where I had stored the pictures, upload attempt, and learn that there is an error and it would not work. For the moment I am abandoning any more tries. There is only so much failure that I can endure with the computer.

I did print off my contact lists for three of my email accounts. I have corrected two of them. Some were duplicates; some were addresses that had no name so there was no way to identify them. At least it is easy to write to them. One of the lists is on 31 pages with just six names on a page. I have not tackled that yet. The other lists were two or four pages. It seemed more manageable to me. For reasons not know to me I have some names on one list that Leroy might have written to, but I can not imagine why I would have them. Leroy swears that he did not use my account. Could he had forgotten or not even noticed? Anyway I deleted those names. My list is now shorter by 20 people. How is that for progress?


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