It is time to read some of the things that have been around for some time. So today I finished a Lutheran Women Magazine that can be returned to its owner. Then it was on to a Yoga magazine. It is not finished, but soon it will be so it can also be returned to its owner. Next it was time to finish reading a theological argument about the stance of the bible on homosexuality. That could also be returned to its owner, Leroy. The upshot of the paper is that it is not obvious. Not surprisingly words are not so clearly translatable from another language and time. Seems to me we have some trouble in the same language, time, and face to face.
There is more to read in You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought. That has been on the reading pile for a long time as it is read in spurts of energy, but only a few pages a day since it is more of an attitude fix. Then there is the book about antagonists in the church. Plus daily prayers are read from A Forgiving Heart edited by my friend Lyn Klug. Every morning Leroy and I read devotions that include Bible passages, prayers and singing (he sings, I play the piano).
Each day the newspaper is read from cover to cover with some articles skipped and some skimmed. But the comics are covered more carefully, looking for that laughable item.
Animal, vegetable, miracle is half finished, but put aside. Partly because I agree with the philosophy, but have not the will to live that way.
Just for fun I will start reading Flight of Passage by Rinker Buck. This was recommended by the person who loaned it to me.
Who has time for TV?
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