Saturday, April 24, 2010

Leroy Learns


Leroy is taking another continuing ed class in St. Paul. So I will go along tomorrow and enjoy the company of Brian, Jen and Sophia for a week. Leroy will be learning new things as well as doing a little visiting.

Daughter Sarah thinks he does this a lot. Leroy says that he gets two weeks a year. Because he can use the free board and room at Brian’s he has been taking full advantage of it. Lucky for me!

I learn some things too, such as it is nice to hang out clothes even if it is a gray day. Two loads flapped in the breeze and got almost dry. Some of things were dry and some had to be strung out around the house resting on furniture that did not care if they were a little damp. Sometimes I think I am the only person in town who still hangs out clothes, but I keep doing it hoping that I will start a trend. One woman today told me that she felt guilty when she saw my clothes out there. Maybe guilt will move her to do more than feel.

The congregation will soon vote on a candidate for the position of Pastor. Now Leroy and I have to go back to trusting that God will provide something that is just right for us. It had been nice to just let that thought float off into the air when we knew that we would be here for another day, month, or year. Now we are coming back to the hard edge of doubt. Everything has worked out so well for us, but will it do that again? Seems there are no guarantees.

Leroy spent a good bit of the morning in the garage packing up things that he is fairly certain he will not need before we leave H also spent time taking down one of the metal shelving units. So we are back to discussing if it is a good idea to move the units or not. Will we need them? Should we get rid of them and get something that is easier to put up? We are not in total agreement on this issue. Can you imagine that? I think they are worth keeping, but Leroy thinks it is a pain to take them apart and put them together.


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