On my way out the door I remembered I should take my credit card. The usual storage spot in my purse was empty of all my cards: debit, credit, health insurance, car insurance, and AARP card. I remembered using my credit card four days before, but where had I put it and where were all the rest. I searched my purse thoroughly moved on to the backpack, bike bags and other bags that I had carried into stores recently. Nothing. They just had to be in one of those spots. I must look in all those places again, but more carefully. But maybe Alzheimer’s had set in and I put them in the freezer. However, I do not want to look there in case I find them. Just then Leroy came home and I told him about it. He then looked in all the places I had already looked, but results could come because it is a fresh eye. Again no luck!
“Because they are all gone I think I must have done something with them,” I said, “I hate to think about canceling these cards, but I do not want someone to use all our money.”
“I will check the bank account just in case,” Leroy said.
“There has been no activity for ten days so they are probably in the house,” he reported.
After checking all logical places again a vague memory of putting them in a zipper pocket floated through my mind. There was one bag with a zipper pocket that I had not yet checked. There they were, treasure waiting to be found. The best thing is that I did not have to look in the freezer.
I feel my brain is still more intact than it is for Alzheimer’s people. I can put off making plans to leave society.
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