Barrel riding is the sport of one of the congregation members. Leroy and I had to go see her in action. Her ride was quick and almost the same time as the winner. Leroy learned however that they add their times and her previous time was not so good.
Rodeo participation is certainly not for the faint hearted. Not everyone would get on these animals risking life and getting their innards all churned up. Barrel racing is apparently the event of sissys as only females participate. It is less brutal, but still requires riding skill.
The only other time I went to the rodeo was in SLC area. That stadium was bigger and had much more glitz. This was up close and personal with the dirt and the animals. Probably more like the original events were. In the audience, accents were more southern with different speech patterns.
Yoga in the park meets three times a week. It is a great workout and a bit more strenuous than I do when I am by myself. The setting is great as the water sparkles on the lake and red headed woodpeckers move from tree to tree. Bats use the shelter at night. Brooms are necessary to make the area clean below the bat beds. Why would bats be there at night? Aren’t they out and about at night? This morning as I was lying there, bird poop landed just inches away from my mat. I think I felt a bit of moisture on my hand. Ick!
Our oldest is 35 today. How can we have a child so old? And to think we were old parents. I was 26 and Leroy was 25. For her birthday trip they are going to visit her birth city. How nice that she is living close enough to be able to do that.
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