Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Closet Cleaning


I spent an enjoyable afternoon helping a woman clean out her closet. She had purchased this privilege at the Youth Group auction. She is perhaps twenty years younger than I am, but we got along very nicely.

She told me, “If you think something is outdated or not nice tell me so I can get rid of it.”

“I am not so good at that, but I would say if you have not worn it in 2-3 years it should probably go,” I answered.

We set right to work moving through shoes, purses/bags, folded clothes, and hanging clothes. I took things out, gave them to her, and put back the keepers. I was impressed with her fortitude at tossing many things. We had several boxes lined up to take away and her closet looked quite different when we finished.

She did say, “Now Paula what you see here stays here, right?”

“Absolutely!” I said. So you will not get any more details in this closet story but to tell you there is a certain amount of exposure and trust in this type of activity. Maybe I should do this for a job as I rather enjoyed it. It is so much easier to have someone else decide what needs to go.

I am so happy to see two red headed woodpeckers when we do yoga. They must have a home close by. I had not seen any of them in years and now I am treated weekly. We do yoga three times a week, but I do not always see them.

Leroy will be riding in RAGBRAI. He has almost ridden 500 miles to train for this hilly ride. I will take him to Council Bluffs on Saturday. There he will camp overnight with about 10,000 other riders and start on Sunday morning. They will come to Chariton Wednesday so he can sleep in his bed that night. We will have ten people tenting in our back yard and four additional people sleeping on the floor in the house. Plus my sister and her husband will be in the spare bedroom as they are on their way to Yellowstone. It will be fun.


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