Leaving the elephant orphanage behind, but memories spinning in our brains, we headed to the home of Karen Blixton aka Isak Dinesen, author of Out of Africa. It was a beautiful hilltop setting for lunch. I wish now that I had taken some pictures of the trees there because they were so lush and full compared to many that we saw.
We did not go in her home after deciding that it was not worth the entrance fee. Instead we would watch the movie to see the place. We have watched the movie and now I would like to see the house.
Her husband decided to grow coffee. It was an unsuccessful venture. We were able to take a couple pictures of coffee plants, but generally they do not do well in Kenya. Kenyans drink a bit of tea for their health and relaxation.
After lunch Stephen took us to yet another interesting place, a giraffe sanctuary. If you decide to spend the night in the house on the grounds you can welcome a giraffe to eat breakfast with you as these animals roam freely about the grounds.
One of the big thrills for us was to feed the giraffe. Even though I remember having calves suck my fingers, this animal is much bigger. It did not seem so aggressive, but it took a bit of courage to hold still, let it come to me, and take the proffered pellet from my hand. A guide put a pellet between his lips or teeth, I am not sure which, and the prehensile tongue looped around it taking that tiny pellet morsel neatly into its own mouth. Leroy and I opted for a vicarious experience and still believe that is good
We learned quite a few giraffe facts besides just the obvious ones that they have very long legs and long necks. Mature giraffe require a very large approximately 25-pound heart to pump blood to their heads.
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