Monday, March 2, 2009

Daily News


I decided I am having a hard time not telling about current news. Yesterday there was rehearsal for a community chorus. I was quite pleased to do that since it has been a long time since I have sung with a larger group. This will be short-term only two practices and one performance, but better than nothing.

It was quite cool here yesterday, maybe it even fits in the cold category as there was a strong wind and the temperature did not get much above 20 degrees. I walked to the building with no trouble because the wind was at my back. When I came home it was a bit more noticeable as it was in my face. When I got closer to the train tracks I could hear the whistle blow and sure enough before I reached the tracks an empty coal train was whizzing by. Coal trains are long trains. It seemed that my body would feel better if I kept moving so I walked into a ball diamond that is next to the road. Just as I reached the opposite side the train was gone. I immediately turned around and headed back to the tracks only to again hear a whistle announcing another train. This one came faster than I did even though it appeared to be crawling along with its full load of coal. So I put in some more walking, but stayed closer to the tracks and zipped across as soon as I could check around the tail end to make sure that yet another train was not heading my way. I was quite happy to get in the warmth of the house. What a wonderful thing to have a place to go that is welcoming.

Leroy is sick. He had been complaining of a scratchy throat for a couple days. He came home from the second service on Sunday and went to bed. He is still lying around today although he sometimes has better moments is not well.

I am ready to start planting something outside. Surely it is almost spring.


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