Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Around Nairobi


Tuesday Stephen was again our guide and helper. He took us to the Natural History Museum. Just an aside comment as was true in Slovakia non-taxpayers paid a significantly higher entrance fee. When I lived in Slovakia and paid that lower fee, I thought it made perfect sense because I was being paid such a low salary and still contributing to the local economy. Now however, I thought, “Wow, that really is a difference! Is this fair?” I still think it is, but I have to process it a bit more to arrive at that thought. We were still able to get into the museum for less than $10, not so much out of our (oops, I mean Leroy’s) salary.

We were just inside the door of the museum trying to get our bearings when a young woman came up to us and proceeded to tell us that she would take us around. She wanted to know what sections we were interested in, “all”, and how much time we had, “one hour”. She gave us a much more thorough, fast look than we could have achieved on our own. It was very interesting and we could look at some of the native animals stuffed, harmless, and up close. She has graduated from the University and she is looking for a job. We both wondered if she was paid for what she did for us.

After we were done there we headed off to get a glimpse of Sarah’s office at Lutheran World Federation where she is an accountant. I will tell you that it is in a former house and it seemed to be quite full of people and file cabinets. There was certainly a hum of activity. Through some oversight we only have one picture. I think the picture is jinxed because when I tried to upload it to the Internet I got a picture of me learning how to feed a giraffe even though the thumbnail was otherwise. After retrieving it once again from the camera, I could not find it on the desktop when I wanted to upload it. Finally I had to ask for help from Leroy. I just hate doing that. I like to independent and all knowing, but it was not to be. Leroy got the brilliant idea of clicking on it, dragging it into a folder that I can find, and uploading from there. I left the giraffe picture there just to remind myself that I am not invincible. And to make you wonder what that is all about.



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