Tatyana gives me things from time to time to “pay” for her tutoring sessions. The other day she gave me some dill pickles. These were the best dill pickles that I have ever had. She could not tell me the recipe for it but said, “Next summer you come and I show you.”
“Yes,” I replied as I thought, “I will probably not be here then.” But who knows since I did not think I would be here for a second Christmas.
I friend and I went for a walk today. It was quite nice to be out in the cool brisk air and have snow gently fall on us. We walked for a couple of miles with a stop at the library and the post office. I do like living in a place that I can easily reach some of the places that have services I need.
On my to do list I have stop mail, (check) and return library books, (check). I have yet to stop the paper, but that I will do over the phone or on-line. The last time I did it on-line the papers were by the house when we came home. I am not sure how that happened, but oh well.
I think my toes must have frost bite again. I have pain in my big toes. It helps when I keep them warm. The trouble is if they are too warm my third and fourth toes on my left foot tingle and burn. Life gets trickier as you acquire more ailments! Now that Leroy he is just a happy go lucky guy. He has been quite healthy recently and I have taken on the roll of the ailing, but some of my “diseases” are things that will stay with me, such as those tingling toes and osteoperosis. At least he gets colds/flu he recovers from and this year he has rarely had anything.
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