Friday, January 2, 2009

Banana Bargain


What a bargain! Bananas were $1 per bag. There were two full carts of banana bags; somehow they were over stocked. I found 18 good looking bananas in my bag. Leroy and I can just eat a banana whenever we feel like it.

My arm is no longer sore from getting a flu shot as well as polio vaccine booster. Now I will get my tetanus shot on Tuesday so I suppose I will be sore again. It is somewhat ironic that all of these shots are things that I really need for this country too. We have ordered the malaria pills, but they have not come yet. I am taking the typhoid, but it is four doses taken two days apart. This morning I took an osteoporosis pill. I feel that I have gone from no meds to a full load. How old am I?

This year we have only two calendars to hang on the wall. We have one in the kitchen and one by the computer. That is really plenty since I did not often look at the others. But I do remember that in Slovakia I would almost always give extra calendars to the students. If my current calendar had great pictures of cats or dogs students would start asking me if they could have the calendar in November or December. What a great way to recycle.

The Christmas cactus that I had repotted this fall is now generating buds. I am excited. I thought it was going to be a year missed. Also one amaryllis is starting to send up a bud stalk. One of the others is putting up some leaves and the third is just sitting there.

Leroy is excited because one of the college students came over and talked to him about having a special service on Palm Sunday. Leroy is not used to someone initiating something like that and a younger person besides.


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