Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Computers and their Users


Just in case Leroy and I think we know what we are doing with the computer something comes along to keep us humble. The computer kept getting errors or a program would freeze meaning that I had to lose some things or even shut down. Yesterday day when talking to Sarah and Stephen on the webcam the messenger we were using said that the server was having trouble. Checking with Miriam we learned that she could get in that means no server troubles especially since we could access other internet sites. Leroy decided to go ahead and reload windows. A step we had talked about doing in the past, but did not want to take the time to do it. Leroy backed up everything to the external harddrive and proceeded to spend hours, a good mood, and sharp words with me before things are almost back to normal. Saving to this external HD was not as seamless as it first appeared to be. We can not get back the wordprocessing program even though the database and spreadsheet, that we hardly ever use, loaded without a hitch. Grumble, Grumble!

"I could not find the pictures or your writings that we had saved on the computer," Leroy confided shortly after getting into this process.

Through several hours I could hear heavy breathing in the room along with sighs and moans. It seems expedient for me to allow much space to be around Leroy at these times.

Then again in a little while I asked, "Did you find the pictures?"

"Yes, I found the pictures and your letters," he replied.

However later when I looked on the computer I could not find either one. Then leroy and I proceeded to have a bit of a spat over semantics and what we meant. All of this included a certain amount of blaming the other, voiced and unvoiced with appropriate eye rolling.

We think that this program saved all of the programs but not the files. But I think that I did save them somewhere on this machine, I just cannot find them.

Then to top it all off there was no easy crossword puzzle in the paper. Such a hard day. Today I realized that they have ceased to publish the one that we did each day. Now if we want to do a crossword we will have to tax our brains before bed. Can we do that?


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