Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quality search results


Not all toilet paper is received the same way. Toilet papers got the following results:
Northern --three votes
Charmin Ultra soft-- three votes
Scott 1000’s -- three votes (Two were from the same household so should that only count as two?)
Charmin Ultra Strong --two votes
Sam’s club brand --one vote

My plan of attack might be to try a small package of each. Maybe even having them in the house at the same time so we can compare before we forget which was what.

I would like to share the following quote from my friend Ron Klug. "When we lived in Madagascar, the local brand (toilet paper) was like a brown paper bag. Our students used to thread it into a typewriter and write letters on it. When that was not available, because of frequent shortages of everything, I learned that the Manchester Guardian was better than THE LUTHERAN STANDARD."

I did not ask Ron for permission to quote him so I hope I do not get in trouble, but it is too late now. It is so interesting I thought you would all like to know.

My Russian neighbor did not come for her tutoring this morning, nor she did tell me that she was not coming. I was quite disappointed. I will have to go over tomorrow and find out what happened. It was raining today so I did not get out. The last time she came she gave us a fish salad. I liked it just fine, but Leroy had trouble with the strong fish taste. Besides the fish it had beets and carrots in it with some egg yolk sprinkled on top. I could not identify the other ingredients.


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