Monday, November 24, 2008



Granny is a term that is fitting me more each day. I came home tired. Unlike my usual pattern I did not clean one thing while at Miriam’s. I used to think "that will never happen to me" when other "older" people talked about being tired from having grandchildren around. Well it has happened. Maybe it is just the result of having two children so close in age. In addition, Nora at four months is not yet sleeping through the night. She is even awake about three times. I slept through it the last two nights. I thought she had too, but Miriam reported otherwise.

Since I have been home I have not heard a train at night. I suspect it is just a soothing lullaby to me now. Sometimes the body just says enough.

I came home on Saturday afternoon. Sunday was almost totally booked with church and related activities. Today Leroy and I have gone shopping twice, made a stop at the library, and I made pumpkin bars. We have pumpkins as decorations and then we eat them when they have served their purpose. We have two more pumpkins to go. Today we had a vegetable dish with pumpkin and chopped peanuts. It was quite good.

"Leroy!" I shouted, "Look in the back yard! There are six deer running through."

They stopped at the back edge before they raced off again. We have not seen deer in this town before. Probably because right by our house there are not so many trees to use as cover.
Last night we saw two deer on the road as we were coming home. We were riding with someone else and their car has a light that shines in the ditch so you can see them more easily. Something else that I had not heard of. I guess I will have to add that to my list of new items.


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