Saturday, November 1, 2008

Learning new things


"I am going to take apart that old printer from the church," Leroy stated firmly, "and I want you to see if you can clean it or fix it. If not I am going to get rid of it."

I did as requested. I tried cleaning a band in there that I had never touched on any other printer. I had noticed that it was dark colored and the one on our printer at home is white. Also I happened to brush my finger against it when I was cleaning before and noticed that it was sticky. I got out my supplies and cleaned that band. Leroy took the printer back to church then called to tell me that it now works perfectly. Sigh, I should have tried that sooner because there was this little idea in the back of my mind, but I was afraid that I would ruin something.

The church now has three printers that work very well since they bought a new one and Leroy got another old one at the library for a dollar. The new printer can scan and fax so that is nice, but I could have saved them some money. Now Leroy will have the one I just fixed in his office so he does not have to walk into the other room to pick up his copies. It will save him about ten steps, but does he want to save steps? No, he wants to earn steps.

While at church I put on my new organ glasses and "belted" out "For all the Saints". I have not played that in two years so I was a little rusty at first, but it seemed to fix my soul.

In the mail today we got a notice from the insurance company that they did not pay for my eye exam. "Why would they not pay mine when they paid yours?" I exclaimed. My bill was $100 more than Leroy’s.

Leroy looked at the report and saw that I have not met my deductible for the year. Oh well we do have the money and it will come back from our flexible spending account. Leroy said, "It is because you are expensive as my trophy wife."

My new glasses did work quite well to see the music at the organ. So I am pleased about that. They are also the most comfortable frames that I have ever owned. Too bad they are not on the glasses that I wear everyday.


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