Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Home From DC


I brought my entertaining arms home. The girls will survive, but they enjoyed flapping at my sagging upper arms. It was also hysterical when I moved my arm as in waving. Leroy was really quite disappointing because poking his triceps caused hardly a jiggle. Who knew I was growing built in amusement?

Today I would not be up for such abuse as I have sore arms. One received a flu shot and the other was the recipient of a pneumonia booster. The flu shot is not much of a hot spot, but the other is letting me know that it has been ambushed. I am happy to ward off such illness as I can, but I will be even happier a week from today or perhaps sooner.  I also plan get a shingles shot, but will wait until my arm feels normal as I do not know how much reaction there will be. My doctor told me that because I had shingles about ten years ago the immunity from that has worn off. I am hoping that the insurance will pay for some of it, but if not I will just get it anyway as it will be much cheaper in many ways than getting those shingles again.

We took the girls to the Natural History Museum. The highlight for me, and I think it impressed them as well, was when a person in the butterfly nursery caught the butterflies that were out and moving their wings. My mother had always told me that I should not touch a butterfly as it damaged their wings. I suppose this person was very careful. In the same area we were able to hold a worm that was a relative of the tomato worm as well as a grasshopper that was quite large. Leroy and I both did this, but the girls could not quite manage to do it. I thought about how many tomato worms I have killed, but now I needed to be careful with this critter. They are quite attractive.


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