Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Redbud Rules


There is a redbud festival in Chariton. They have some activities, but mostly for children. I personally think they should make a requirement that all homes have at least one redbud on the property so that they could make it into a larger affair and attract more tourists. One of the neighboring towns does that with mass tulip plantings. It is quite popular.

There are some problems with this plan. The first problem is that redbuds do not bloom exactly on schedule. Tulips do not either, but they can ship them in from Holland. Blooming trees would be a harder shipment. Someone commented that this year was almost a perfect match for the blooms and the festival. The second problem is that someone would have to think of some interesting activities for adults, because unfortunately, just looking at beauty is not enough to hold people’s interest for very long. The third problem is that someone would have to be in charge. The fourth problem is that someone might think it is government interference if they are required to plant and care for a redbud. So that gets rid of that brilliant idea in a hurry. But wait there is the Cherry tree celebration in DC. How do they get that figured out?

Just as a side note there are many redbud trees in town and they are beautiful. Added to that is a variety of other blooming trees. It is fun to go around town just to see what is there.

Seasons are a good thing. The flowers are so beautiful after such a long absence. Not sure they would be so noticeable if they were here all of the time.


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