Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Native American’s Use of Plants

Hello, We went to a talk about Native American’s uses for plants other than food. It was quite interesting. We both learned some new things. First was a list of the tribes that lived in Iowa long before the European settlers pushed them out. Their preferred name was used as well those used by English speakers. They have lived in this area since or before 10,000 years ago. I had never heard about how they marked trails with altering the growth of trees or depositing rocks. They used plant fibers to create mats, or to make string or rope. Plants were also the source of dyes to create beauty. They made wickiups for shelter. That required saplings and string. Gourds were a local plant that they could use to make vessels of many different sizes. They could also soak some of their string bags and carry water in them as the fibers swelled making them water tight. The cottony parts of cattails were used to make diapers. There was a type of ten feet tall reed that once grew here, but draining the land cause it to become extinct. It still grows in Oklahoma. They also made snow snakes which were part of a game. There were some stones that they carved out so they could sand the arrow shafts making them smooth and straight. Sometimes people say we have no early history, but unfortunately, they are just noting European settlers’ history and not the original people. Paula

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