Monday, January 20, 2025

Cold Day to Volunteer

Hello, I was quite comfortable walking the three blocks to volunteer. When I arrived, I rang the buzzer so they would let me in. I heard nothing and saw nothing. The buzzer is a two-inch-long thing at the door. I pushed it again and again with no response. It seemed strange since I had talked about coming back today. Checked on the parking lot at the back of the building. It had several cars. Back to the front and pushed on a different place on the strip. There was a nice ringing sound. Soon someone came and opened the door. It was nice to step into the warm. My first job was to write the expiration date on new food donations and put them on the shelf where they belonged. I managed to push a stack of cans off the back of the shelf that had no back. It was a bit of a scramble to find them and put them back. Most food was good for a long time, but some had been dated in 2022. They still give people the option of taking it if they like when it is canned items. I also helped bag chicken from a fast-food place. It comes in every Monday. This was the third time I had done this job and I became the de facto leader as today no one else had done it. Mostly I just had to make some decisions about which pieces were going in a bag. In the past I have worked with people who are mentally challenged along with leader. Today it all went very fast and I even came home 15 minutes early. Paula

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