Friday, December 6, 2024

Almost used to cold Temperatures

Hello, Leroy and I have been walking outside a bit more and it does not feel quite so cold. Now it is starting to warm up. That will be for about three days then it gets colder again. It seems to me cold needs to hang around longer so we get acclimated to it. But I am not in control. I got some more things for Leroy for Christmas; he was with me to give his opinion. Not sure how it happens that we feel the need for the other’s okay on a gift purchase. Guess we are not so into the idea of returning and exchanging. We went to church this morning. While walking through the campus close to us we decided that it really is colder since all students we saw had long pants and no shorts. We had on warmer coats, but they did have light jackets with hoods pulled up. We did some random dusting at church, unloading, and storing. A person who was at church, but not a member commented on how clean the church is. I will have to tell the custodial staff. Leroy did not have the right socks in his boots for comfortable walking, but he managed. It is a chore to select the right thickness of sock to fill a boot, but not crowd the toes. How large should boots be? On the way home we walked past the community garden things did not look as frozen as I thought they might. Perhaps they were frozen and will show that when they thaw. Paula

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