Monday, October 21, 2024

Adventures in the House

Hello, We have very little counter space and no dishwasher. When we do dishes, we put some on the dryer and or on the washer to air dry for some time. Today, I put a plate close to the back edge of the washer. Big mistake! It slid down in back of the washer. We have a long-handled grabber. Leroy could not see the plate. I leaned against the washer turning on many cycles, but the door was open so nothing worked, except the lights and the sounds. I was finally able to see the plate when I climbed on top of the washer. I could not grab it, but pushed it to the side where the grabber could grab. It was not too hard to pick up, but somehow the angles in the small space were not right and I dropped it before I could get it out. It landed face down with no edges available for pick up. Leroy looked into climbing down there, but he is too big for the small space. We needed a kid. With no kid available I bravely said, “I’ll do it.” It was fairly easy to climb from a chair to the top of the washer, but then it was a bit of drop to the floor. I managed to do that without breaking a bone, picked up the dusty, dirty plate, handed it to Leroy and contemplated how I was going to get out. I could not manage to pull myself up, weak arms? We have a small plastic step stool and that worked. Then I have to use the grabber to get it out while I was still on top of the washer. I could tell I had done some unusual moves. I believe that the yoga helps keep it a possibility. Paula

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