Thursday, November 25, 2021


November 25, 2021 Hello, Leroy and I are grateful for some time of peace and quiet. I did a zoom class of yoga this morning. Leroy joined us and he did a lot of groaning. Definitely it included some stretches and moves he is not used to doing. Don’t know that he was thankful for that. I was glad to get my time in for some good stretches. We are grateful for the instant pot. We used it yesterday for lentils. We were grateful for directions on how to take it apart to clean. I will perhaps go back to doing the lentils in the slow cooker. I am cooking some butternut squash in there now and I think that will be a much easier clean. It turned out very fine. Even though I seldom use it I am grateful for my mama’s china. I like the simple design of it. We used it today and did not break any. We are grateful for the brilliant sun, but not so pleased with the low temperatures and strong wind. Grateful that I can put aside the idea of getting 10000 steps, but I will go back out to get to 5000. We are grateful for legs that work. Our furnace is a comfort on a cold day. What a wonderful invention, there is heat in the rooms without a fireplace. I texted Miriam this morning and asked if she was going to let her husband and her cousin do all the work for thanksgiving. I resisted the urge to say, “Take it easy,” when she replied that she felt quite good. I am sure she will hear “take it easy” enough. Paula

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