Friday, November 5, 2021

Moving Up In the World



Leroy and I are moving up in the world. We ordered and just received new 100% organic cotton flannel sheets. We look forward to sleeping between them tonight. It should be cozy. Our old sheets were tearing in more than one place. We will use the rags that we can create from this good supply. Right now the rag supply is quite adequate, almost too large. Are fabric items falling to pieces around us?


We spotted an Instant pot marked down quite a bit. It is now in our house. Hope we like it. We are feeling a little less sure about the positive results from this purchase. We will have to give away our rice cooker which was a gift to us from someone who got such a pot a few years ago. I used to have a small pressure cooker many years ago, using it so much that the handles broke. Maybe I will get back in the habit of pulling it out. We do not have enough room on the counter to keep it out.


Do purchases mean “moving up” or does having more income? Perhaps I have never moved up so I do not know the answer. We are certainly secure and comfortable in our life.



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