Saturday, August 28, 2021




While listening to the audio book, I looked at the light with the chains for control of the fan. Yesterday, I could not see two. I was so pleased to see both of them this afternoon. Perhaps I have to be more patient about healing. After all it is only three days now since the surgery. However, at this minute, my vision is not as clear again. Perhaps something clouds it.


Our little free library is a great place for people to put rocks. There is a new one almost every day. Sometimes there are two new ones and the old ones are gone. Sometimes, especially if there is only one rock, the old one will remain even if there is a new one. I am impressed with all of the different ways people can think of to paint rocks. It almost makes me think it might be a nice thing to buy paints and contribute. I also wish more people took books. It is a library after all.


I finished the audio book. I got hooked on the story and managed to stay alert and with it. Not my favorite way to absorb a book, but it does work. Now I need to find another book to listen to. At least the readers add their emphasis to the whole effect.


Leroy and I walked to the park that is close to us and wandered among the trees, going from shade spot to shade spot with a sit down on the grass time to enjoy the breeze. It is quite hot here, but that felt nice. I am glad we did that.



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