Friday, August 27, 2021

Time on My Hands



What does it mean to say time on my hands? We have some unusual sayings if taken literally and I believe this goes into that category. But I seem to be fitting into that space as I have more time than I know how to fill since I cannot read or comfortably watch TV. I have been listening to an audio book. I am interested in the book, but seem to get a bit twitchy just sitting and listening. Once in a while I find that my mind has wandered into another territory. That would not happen to me if I were reading the words.


I may have said this before, but “I am not going to drive yet, even though it has been more than 48 hours since the surgery. Without corrective lens my old eye cannot contribute much to the picture. If I close that eye, I see quite well in the distance, but nothing near. My current glasses frames are such that it is not easy to figure out how to get out a lens. Leroy thought maybe he could just take one out, but could not figure it out.


Leroy did go to work and leave me a phone call and bike ride away. It has been fine, but I am a little bored. I did sit on the deck this morning just trying to enjoy being outside with the flowers, breeze, and geese flying over. The leaves in the trees across the alley amazed me because I could see them without glasses; it was not just a blob of green. I was so quiet that a squirrel came and got a drink at the bird bath. That was nice.


I wonder when I look in the mirror, who is this person. I don’t know me without glasses as I have worn them since 5th grade. I could not see myself without glasses, only a blur. Gads, I have bags under my eyes!




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