Thursday, February 4, 2021

Snowy Walk



With the prediction of a blizzard and seriously dropping temperatures, I told Leroy about mid morning that I was going for a walk and he was welcome to come along. When we left the snow was falling fast and furious in big beautiful clumps. It was so nice to stop and look at them on our mittens or coats.


There is a silence to the air which adds a sense of mystery in a good snowfall. However, when you go by a manufacturing plant there can be a serious hum in the air, but oh well, walk on by and silence returns to sooth.


We knew that the trail close to our house had been clean yesterday so we walked in that almost flat length and stayed away from the park with hills and possible slipping. We skirted an area that often has a puddle which we thought might have frozen over and be a hazard. However earlier, Leroy had not noticed a darker appearance to the snow and slipped. He did not get hurt or fall, but it gave us a warning to be alert.


Before we got back home we were both quite tired. On our return trip the snow had filled in the tread left in our footsteps. By that time the snow was not quite as copious, but the wind was increasing, making us notice the cold more. It took us almost an hour and a half which was longer than usual to walk these 7,000 steps.



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