Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Health Care Provider



I have not seen a general practitioner for almost four years. By the way, do you good spellers know how hard it can be to find the correct spelling of a word that you have so totally wrong? Spell check does a great job when it is close miss, but cannot read my mind when quite removed from the proper spelling.


I got a note from the former provider’s office that my second pneumonia shot is overdue. Also listed were a bone density and mammogram. I knew about the last two, but thought it was not a pressing concern. You all are my witness I will make more of an effort to find a new provider.


My last provider retired and I do not want to see her replacement because she works with the doctor that did not help Leroy. I do not want him to be over my care person.


I read a book about geriatric care and it seemed like the time might be right for me to find such a person. I would also like a woman and I would like someone close enough for me to walk there. So far I am not finding such a person. The only woman who has a specialty strictly in geriatric care, works at a nursing home. Somehow, that seems a little more than I need. I called the closest one listed, but she does not work there any longer, but at one that is driving distance away. The on line information looked like she deals with people who are in a facility.


There is a man who also has this specialty, but I would like to have a woman. Sigh. I cannot have it all. I must decide which criteria matters most.



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