Saturday, January 9, 2021

Torn Sheet



I believe in wearing things out. At least that is how I grew up, with a strong sense of do not throw it away until it is beyond use.


This morning I washed sheets. The bottom sheetnhas a tear in it now. It must be time that it can become a rag. Rather it will become many rags. We had known for some time that these flannel sheets were getting quite thin. Do you think we have missed the year end clearance on flannel sheets? I will have to do some searching, otherwise I will simply wait until next fall to purchase so I do not have to store it. I did have another set of well used sheets so they are on the bed in the meantime. It would not do for us to slip between regular sheets in the winter.


Leroy went to the neurologist yesterday. I went as well because I don’t trust him to give me the full report, but then I was thinking about skipping it since Leroy has made such progress. He then told me he wanted me to come. He will be on the current level of meds for at least a month. The Dr. commented we do not want to drop it too much too soon because you almost went blind. It was good to be reminded of that. It seems it was almost a miracle that his sight came back. The Dr. also mentioned that if the hospital had not been so full, he would have admitted Leroy overnight. Leroy finds the meds make him a bit nervous so he is now starting something that he can take daily to learn if that will help his anxiety. We will both be happy if it makes a difference.


We got our first calendar for this year. It was nice to get it. We have also decided that we will print one off monthly with some events already added. There was a free calendar at the Dr.’s office, but it is not a style that we use so we left it there.



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