Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Shoveling Day



Leroy and I went out before breakfast to start shoveling so he could get out of the garage more easily for going to work. I do not know the depth of the snow, but we guessed it was more than five inches, deep enough to be noticeable when shoveling. The wind was blowing strongly so it mattered where we aimed the snow so it would not fly back in our faces. Leroy mostly was filling the wheelbarrow so he could haul it to the back yard as there is not enough room around the alley to stack it.


I was happy to go in when Leroy said he was hungry. After eating we did tai chi with the Ely Library contingent. We commented that with this much snow, had we been meeting in person, the session would have been cancelled. Leroy quit the class early so he could go back out and start off to work. He was pleased that the plow had gone through the alley. That was a big help, but required some snow removal just by the garage on his side.


Later I went out to shovel the sidewalk, but did not have enough stamina to do it all so I had to go out again later. I am now pleased to note that the sun has melted the snow off the sidewalk where it has been shoveled. I did a little more work in the alley, but will wait until Leroy gets home to finish that. I am not sure why, but I do not handle that wheelbarrow as skillfully as he does.


Building muscles, determination, and stamina is the goal with all of this shoveling. Truly a gift of nature to provide all this splendid opportunity!



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