Tuesday, November 3, 2020




I seem to have learned how to feel stressed much of the time. I believe that was not true two years ago. Then, if I remember correctly, stress would come and go.


One problem is Leroy’s illness. He is doing much better, but I still find myself on edge. When he once again reduced the steroid this weekend he became much more easily anxious and upset. I felt on full alert the whole time. Just what I was thinking might happen, I do not know but I was preparing for some terrible eventuality. Yesterday when I came home from work, he was in such a good mood and commented several times about what a good day it had been. Worry does not help, right?


The numbers of Covid cases are rising quite a bit in our county. That makes me a bit concerned, but not scared. I just wish more people would practice general safety measures.


My blood pressure seems to be high almost every time I go to the Dr. They have always passed it off as the white coat syndrome, but now I am beginning to be concerned. We have a blood pressure cuff because of Leroy. The unsettling thing is that mine is often high even when I take it here at home. My family medical provider retired and I have not yet found a new person. I certainly do not want to have a stroke or whatever, but it stresses me to look for a new provider.


I also have to make some decision about my cataracts. I could use a personal caretaker who just made all of these decisions for me. I could then blame them if it is the wrong decision. Less stress, just blame someone else. I did hear that people who are happiest and live the longest take full responsibility for their lives. Sigh, get with it Paula.


At least the election will be over soon so that stressor can be a past concern. We will just have to live with the results.



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