Saturday, November 14, 2020

Preparing for Rain



Well, even though we fixed the down spot on the porch it was not the best repair. Leroy did not have the right screw and I suggested/insisted duck tape would hold anything. It held for one rain storm, but then blew off in the strong wind that came next. Our downstairs friend fixed it so it will hold for sure.


We did a longer than usual walk this morning when we got up because they had talked about quite a bit of rain coming this afternoon. It did not get 10,000 steps for either of us, but it was respectful.


Next we moved one of the cars out of the garage, creating space so we could move things away from the wall where water seemed to come in during a rain storm. There is nothing to be seen on the outside of the garage. Nothing is to be seen on the inside either. Wd took time cleaning and sweeping in the area. Some shelves had gone into place long ago and we never moved them before. By the amount of dirt it is easy to see that our lives have been stationary for some time.


After all this prep no rain has yet come, but it is still predicted.


The other day I went for a walk in a respite from rain. I went to the park close to our house. The wind came up while I was there. It was a little scary watching loose branches move around in the trees. This was especially true after a stick fell from a high tree and hit me on the arm. I was startled at how much it hurt even though it was only about 12-18 inches long. Certainly I hurried out of that area. I was telling someone else about that. She gasped and said, “Are you alright? Where did it hit you?”


After reassuring her, she commented, “Since the storm we respond so much differently to wind.”


I agree with that.



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