Sunday, October 4, 2020

Hard Things



I did some hard things today. I realize that my hard things are not your hard things.


I signed up for the CROP Walk which we will do virtually this year. All of the sign up, etc. is on line. I have had the letter for some time, but just put off doing that step. I cannot even say why it is hard for me to do these types of things. When sign up was in person at church it was no difficulty for me. I just walked up to the table and did it. Back in the day when we first did this we walked ten miles in one afternoon. Leroy and I are going to walk ten miles, but not in one day. I do not believe either of us is ready for that. Instead we will take three or five days to get the job done. This is an organization I believe in. Twenty-five percent of the money raised is used in this country and the rest goes overseas. They use local items as much as they can which is good for the local economy. If you would like to donate, let me know.


The other hard thing was filling out the Action team form on line again, so I could get an action team kit from my nonprofit insurance company to put multicultural books in the Little Free Libraries in my neighborhood. I have done this other years, but I still put off doing it. I want to get it done before it is too cold to comfortably deliver these books. Again if you would like to donate books let me know. I mostly want new books, but would accept some that might still be in good condition. In my neighborhood and the next neighborhood there are 31 little free libraries. Course with all the trees that fell in the storm that went through here in August some of them might have been damaged. It could be a search and find mission to get to them.


Why is this hard? Such things do not bother Leroy, but I am another story.



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