Sunday, October 25, 2020

Fall Garden



Leroy and I went to the garden this afternoon. We took out all of the tomato cages and walked them to a neighbor’s house where they spend the winter. Because of the big storm in August, some of them had been flattened. Others had been bent. The stakes are now in our garage for the winter. We did not pull up the plants because we did not have the proper receptacle in which to place them. I brought home some of the larger tomatoes, mostly green, but I am not sure that was worth the effort as it got quite cold this morning at 33 degrees.


We have some nice plant markers and we took them out of the ground. They went into a small shed that we have at the garden site. I picked up a few pieces of trash that had blown into the garden and brought them home in the plastic bag that blew in. At our block I could not pass a few pieces of trash, but had to add them to the bag. My new year’s resolution was to pick up trash once a month around my block, but circumstances have made that very difficult for me to keep. I have done it a few times, but…


Leroy also pulled two radishes of an unknown variety as well as two diminutive beets. I picked a bit of arugula which I will add to my work salad tomorrow.


We got rather cold so we came home admiring the few colorful leaves that we saw on that walk.


 It is satisfying to get some of these chores done. We could have let others know that we were going, but did not plan very far in advance.



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