Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sweeping the Sidewalk


Today I went over the edge of sanity. I swept up the sidewalk a ways from the house. The ash tree on the side of our house has dropped copious amounts of seeds this year. To keep those seeds from riding in on our feet, I have cleaned the porch floor diligently. After that did not stop the influx, I started to frequently sweep off the decks on both sides. Somehow those well designed riders managed to still get in, not so many, but more than I like. This morning I tackled the sidewalk on the side of the house where there were some piles of the seeds. Not sure if the wind put them there or mowing the lawn added to it all or what happened. Armed with a garage type broom, a whisk broom, a dust pan, and a five galleon bucket, I looked forward to a successful campaign against these infiltrators.

Our sidewalk now looks quite different with some totally clear areas. There were a few seeds that I missed, or they are newly fallen. This will surely be an improvement.

The tree seems to have a bonus crop of seeds this year. It is stressed and might have the deadly emerald ash bore. Would a tree put extra effort into the survival of the next generation as it goes through its final years? Without scientific research an answer is difficult to know. Living with uncertainty is part of life. Some uncertainty is more troubling than others. In terms of my life this is low on the stress level even though I like the tree and want it to stay as long as possible.


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