In my sewing box there are small bags
of thread that have taken up residence. Those bags came into my house attached
to a sweater. Of course I could not throw them away because of “just in case I might
need it”. There is quite a nice supply, unfortunately I have no idea which
sweater they came with or if we still own the sweater. The other day I needed
to sew a bow back on a basket so I used the thread from the closest match. It
worked so it did have a purpose. However, I thought, “I am not moving all of
these things. When we are ready to move some of these will go.”
There were a number of buttons also
residing in this sewing box, which is rarely opened since sewing is not a hobby
of mine. The buttons also reside there because of just in case. Those we have
used a little bit more as we do not have to know where the button came from but
we just try to match what is.
We are good at saving many papers that
are sent to us by our bank or other businesses with which we have a connection.
However, “the just in case” message is not always kept perfectly. Perhaps it is
the loose filing system. We wanted to know where to deposit the cash we received
for selling the car. We could not find the paper that had the information about
which credit unions were “friends” with our distant credit union. That paper
also had some instructions about the procedure. Luckily, Leroy called our
financial establishment to get the information. Now our file folder is updated
with the needed information. Leroy went there today. He reported that it was
easily done.
Leroy is especially happy that the car
sold. He does not like dealing with such things. He figured he would post it
for a week. If it was not gone then he would just give it away to some
organization. It sold in about four days. We figure the price was right.
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