Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Weather Reports


Sometimes those weather reports control our lives. This morning after consulting two different sources, Leroy felt that it was not prudent to ride his bike to work. He was disappointed as the temperature would have been quite fine for riding, but he does not like riding in the rain. I did not even volunteer to come get him as we had so much trouble with the bike in the car the last time. I could have put in the bike carrier, but that is not so easy to use either.

The forecast now is for rain later in the day, almost certainly after Leroy is home. The weather certainly is not in our control.

I looked at three weather sources before I decided that I must move my walk to the morning. It was nice, but cloudy, consequently I did not think of wearing my hat until the sun came out. I was a good distance from home so I just hoped for the best for my skin.

The last time I was at the dermatologist they did not give me an appointment in six months. Supposedly someone was going to call. I suspect I need to be calling them as appointments are filled a few months in advance. Amazing I got that call done and it will be almost exactly six months since I was last there. I suspect it helped that they could look up information about me and see that I did need the check up.

I do like to check things off my to do list be that list mental or on paper.


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