Saturday, April 13, 2019

Card Sorting


Today I wanted to send someone a greeting card. While looking for the right card, I realized that some sorting was in order. I have cards I bought, cards that I think came from Leroy’s mother who died 20 years ago, and cards that Leroy brought home from church because they were cleaning out and he knows I do not believe in throwing away anything that might yet have a use.

I made card stacks of the different types of occasions that require a card. Then I started matching envelops with the cards. That was a tough job as several cards were too large for any envelops in my possession. Especially that bunch from church seemed to be missing envelops for the larger cards. Did someone snitch them to be used elsewhere? Now how am I going to use these cards? Does anyone sell various sized envelops that would fit cards? Or will it be necessary to just buy some larger envelops that obviously do not fit, but will allow it to go through the mail? Maybe envelops could be made from a plain white piece of paper?

I do not have any larger envelops in my possession, but as of right now my cards are organized and ready to be sent to just the right person.


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