We left Sarah’s house early to catch
the train. It seemed like it would be an early arrival at the airport. Because
the train we needed did not come to their stop on Saturday we had to make a
transfer. That is also no big deal, but for some reason there was a delay that
lasted at least ten minutes before the train was scheduled. Now we were both
grateful for those extra minutes. We had not printed our boarding passes so
that also took a little extra time. However once again we had the pre board
check which speeds us along much faster.
In DC they kept asking for people to
check their carryon bag through to the final destination. Finally just as we
were boarding I gave them my bag. It was nice not to have to deal with that
extra bag; however, there would have been plenty of room for it in the overhead
bins. In Cedar Rapids, I was sorry that I had not kept it as the city bus, if
on schedule, came and went while we were waiting to pick up that bag. Unfortunately
the bus only comes once an hour. We settled in for a long wait.
After a bit we went outside to wait in
the warm breezy air when a young woman drove up to drop someone off. Then she
came over and asked if we wanted a ride home. Immediately in my mind I started
sorting through people from church and people from the library so I could put a
name to this person who did look familiar. Leroy asked, “Where do you live in
Cedar Rapids?”
He must know her, so it must be
someone from church. I was working on church people when Leroy told her, “Yes
we would like a ride home since you live fairly close.”
We were seated in her car, Leroy in
front and me in the back when Leroy asked, “What is your name?”
“Oops, he does not know her! But she
does look familiar.” I thought while she burst out laughing.
She is the kid’s choir director at church.
In our defense she had her hair in a ponytail and had on sunglasses. We do know
her, but have not talked with her a great deal.
She could not get over the fact that
we would get in a car with someone if we did not know who they were. As I said
she looked familiar, but I could not place her enough to come up with a name so
it did not really feel like a stranger.
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