Monday, August 13, 2018

More Museums


It was great to spend one more day going to those wonderful free museums of DC. I am pleased that these treasures are so available to all. It was great to have Sarah with us as she knows her way around so well. We do ok on our own, but I am always a little on edge until we find our destination. However, when Sarah or Stephen is with us I just let them do the guiding.

Natalie is quite used to going to museums and is a great attendee. We went to the National Woman’s Rights House. I cannot remember the exact name. Some of the history I heard there I knew and some was new. It is so easy to take for granted the privileges that we have, especially if they have been in place since before we were born. Many women protested risking rejection, jail, beatings, and ridicule so that I can vote. Some of the women I had heard of and some were strangers. I did know that Pres. Wilson did not support women having the right to vote until it became political risky to ignore or squash the idea. When his career was in jeopardy he joined the movement. Protesting is still an effective way to make your situation known even though it, to this day, has some negative consequences associated with it.

We also stopped at the Postal Museum since that was right by the metro stop. Also we had not been there before. Stamp collector Leroy especially enjoyed this stop and wants to go back since our time was somewhat limited. Natalie found many buttons to push. Next trip, maybe we can give that museum more time. I thought we had seen about everything in the nine years that the family has lived in DC, but there are probably more hidden in plain sight treasures.


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