Monday, September 11, 2017



This morning at breakfast Leroy commented that he knew where he was on this date years ago. Can it really be years ago? I had forgotten today’s date, but also remembered where I was when I hear that the tower was going done. I did see the other go down as I watched TV live. I also considered how I know where I was when I learned that Kennedy had been shot. I also saw the shooting of Oswald on TV. It was on a Sunday and I was home from church.

It is something how our brains selectively store memories. There is no command or will to do it, it just happens. Perhaps it has something to do with what touches us the most deeply. So many of the things we forget hardly penetrate to a serious level.

I have been grappling with how to get my IPERS retirement pension allocated. It is not a huge amount of money, because I did not work very many years for money, but I still have to decide. It seems to me that if I could see the future it would be an easy decision. Who will live longer: Leroy or me?

There are all types of issues that would be clearer if we could see the future. How would the insurance industry change if people could make choices on the known future? Seems that it is all based on gambling or a roll of the dice rather than anything any of us know. How would we spend our time if we knew life expectancy? How would I treat other people if I knew more about them and the road ahead for them and or me?

I vow to go through the day at work treating all as the special person they are, just because I do not know it all.


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