Friday, September 8, 2017



My face seems to be doing ok. Leroy was nervous about changing the dressing so he asked for help from our downstairs friend, Robin. Between the two of them they managed quite well. The first time took a bit of consultation and compromise as neither knew just what they were doing. Last night, however, it moved forward much more quickly. Leroy thought he would get help at least one more time, maybe more as it takes a bit of maneuvering to go over my jaw as well as keep my hair away from the tape. Both times there has been some hair under the tape, but I threw caution to the wind and had Leroy cut it rather than undo the bandage. I still have plenty of hair left and besides it grows back so it is ok. It is interesting that the only painful spot, and it is not bad, is under my jaw lower than the offending lump. Also when the deadening was first gone I had pain up by my eye. Nerves that got bumped?

Sleeping has been a bit of a struggle as I miss my favorite side. The first two nights I slept in bed with pillows propping me up. Last night I lay flat with just one pillow as usual. I tried to stay on my back most of the time with just one session on the non-favored side. That was ok. Tiredness does contribute to sleep.

We have enjoyed some Painted lady butterflies drinking nectar at the autumn sedum on the side of the house. There has been quite a flock. Sometimes as many 20-30 are sitting on one plant. They do not sit still long enough for me to get a good count. They are getting ready to migrate south. Apparently they will stay as long as the weather and the food source holds steady. Surely they are contributing to my feeling of health and well being.

I thought you might like to see them.


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