Friday, September 29, 2017

Brain Cell Growth


Surely there was brain cell growth today as I shopped on the other side of town. It almost seemed as thought intensive as moving to a new place and learning where things are. The first challenge is where are the stores located? The second is what streets would create the best and most logical path to use to get to that destination? Some of these stores I do know location, but it is not clearly stamped in my brain. I made a few wrong turns, but not many. I will say that store signs do help for zeroing in on them.

It took a little bit of energy inside and outside of the buildings to get my bearings. The inside issue is where are things located in this particular store? Even though I am used to shopping in the same big box store across town previous knowledge does not help. Arrangements are different from store to store.

I cut my shopping trip one store short because I was more tired. On the way home I did buy gas and wondered once again why it costs ten or more cents per gallon more in my neighborhood. It seems to me it should be about the same across the city.

I did put some things in the trunk and found an apple rolling around since Wednesday when I bought apples. In spite of that careless treatment this apple was still almost bruise-less.

From now on the majority of shopping will be done on this more familiar side of town. My brain cells with have to find another way of exercising and gaining flexibility and youthfulness.

One of the reasons for making this trip was that I could stop at the main public library building and pick up a book kit for the book club this Sunday. That kit could be dropped off at church which was also on the way home. That is all in the effort of combining trips when the car is out. I just try to make it all in the same logical flow.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Library Noises


I close the library two nights at 8:00 PM. A patron once asked, “
Are you scared to be here all by yourself when it is dark outside?”

I blithely answered, “No, it is not really that late, and I have never felt any bad vibes from anyone.”

Well last night, after I had locked the front door, I was checking the back rooms when I heard a sound of something shifting out in the main library room. With gathered courage and self talk that encouraged, “Who could be in here? It was empty when I locked.” I went back to the main room of the library, quickly walked the width of the building, checked down the stacks as I went, and saw no one. Maybe something that was piled up had shifted? In the office we have a few piles of this and that. I rapidly went through the rest of the closing steps which included walking about that main library room again. Everything looked fine. I went in the office, gathered my things, turned out the lights only to hear a sound loud enough to startle. After the first shock I realized it sounded like someone’s phone, but then rapidly became aware that it was some toy that had been donated that afternoon. I was happy to leave the building. I felt unusual caution outside of the building, but all was peaceful.

Before I reached the edge of town, I noticed that some lights were in a very odd place. I wondered if it was motorcycles or just what as I slowed down. Before I got to it I realized that it was a car that had gone onto the side of a cross street and was squarely aimed at a stop sign. It was still sticking out a bit in the street that I was driving on. I still had not stopped when this car started backing up in front of me and into my lane of traffic. Brakes were applied as I waited until they completed their maneuvering back onto the street proper.

I was so happy to get home and found I was all in one piece with no harm done except for a heightened heart beat from time to time.

That lucky Leroy just called and told me that he is not going to be home for dinner. He is the fourth in a group taking a guest speaker out to eat. This man wrote a book called “My Train to Freedom”. I had wanted to hear him speak, but we have choir tonight. I did encourage Leroy to stay if he wanted, but he said, “The crowd is already at standing room only.”


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Working On The Future


Leroy and I met with our financial advisors to plan for retirement. Can you imagine that we have financial advisors? Sounds rather “high fluting” to me.

The first question was, “Do you know when you plan to retire?”

I thought, “No, maybe in two or three years.” As I was thinking that I heard Leroy say, “Yes.” That was an amazingly simple answer from Leroy who often throws in many side issues.

I turned to him and asked, “When are “we” planning to retire?” to the laughter of the two who were helping us.

Are we like a couple of slippery eels?

Leroy answered, “In the summer of 2019.” But then he added, “I may retire in one job and keep the other.”

Two part time jobs give him that option.

The next question was so far unanswerable. “Where were we to be living when we retire? Here or in another state? Would we buy a home or rent?”

I used to think that owning our own home would be just wonderful, but after 46 years of renting, I have become quite accustomed to just being a renter even though it is a lower status position in this USA.

All of those answers will make a difference in determining how to allocate our pensions. And I thought life was to be easier as we aged because we would know so much more than we did at age 20. Seems to me then we just plunged ahead and did not think so much about what might be ahead beyond the next corner.


Monday, September 25, 2017

When Ideals Collide With Comfort


I strongly believe in using rags because I feel that is a good use of a product that has reached the end of its original useful life. It saves the earth’s energy by not filling the landfill yet, not contributing to the manufacture of paper towels which I believe involves quite a lot of water, and the packaging that goes for those towels. It is also quite a strong alternative that is often, but not always, very absorbent. Because of this belief in the importance of rags I have managed to collect quite a lot of them which I put, when dirty in a bag whose other purpose I do not know or remember. When this bag is full and the rag baskets, I have two on in the kitchen and one in the bathroom, are almost empty, I wash rags. Greasy rags just get thrown away as I do not want to put that grease down the drain and put a strain on the water reclaiming process. Rag washing happened today. Because of the demise of several items, my rag supply has grown considerably.

I also believe strongly in hanging out clothes rather than drying them in the powered dryer. Well let me just say that hanging up a million rags is not quite as pleasurable as hanging up sheets. After a while a strong will was required to keep going. It almost wiped out my supply of clothes pins and line room. About half of them are hung as my mother used to hang clothes, with two like items sharing a clothes pin, thus saving a pin and taking less line room. Only by using that method did I manage to get them all on the line and still have five pins left to languish in the pin bucket.

I also fold rags because then they take less room. I am not looking with joy at that upcoming daunting task. Perhaps I should change my self talk here, and remind me, “I have plenty of rags, line, pins, and sunshine. Not all are so blessed.” I remember when visiting Sarah in Kenya that I saw many things were hung on some bushes. Sunshine was there in abundance, but not lines or pins. In spite of this lack almost all Kenyans that I saw were dressed neatly and cleanly.


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Early Walk


This morning, Leroy and I woke at about the same time. I had been thinking about an early morning walk. I said, “I am going to walk.”

Leroy responded that he would come too. We headed off to the new section of trail that is only about two blocks from our house. It was great to have even footing in the dark. The planets were out along with some stars. Years ago I always got up at 5:30 and walked. I have missed that discipline. It lifts my spirits taking in the early morning quiet.

I was surprised that Leroy went too, as he is preaching tonight so he will get a nice walk to church in the heat. This morning darkness temperatures were close to 70. I have gotten used to those 90 degree fireboxes so the air felt a little cool to me.

We turned around at about a mile and walked back towards our house. There was coming, our direction, a rather bright light. I thought it was a bicycle, but Leroy wondered if it were a car since a road is close and it was moving fast. I protested that it was too small for that. His second choice was a motorcycle. It was not long before a bicycle zoomed past us causing Leroy to talk about getting a better quality light for riding the bike to and from work when the days are shorter. I did not know how much money he would consider spending for this purchase. I was surprised at how pricy these things can be. We have very modest lights on either of our bikes. I thought they were a bit higher end. Oh well, better for Leroy to see and be seen than get hit by someone. Looking at it that way the light is cheap, life and injury is dear.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Bug Down The Back


I was out early this morning to water the plants in the front of the house. In spite of the time it was already quite warm. Not long after I started, I felt something crawling on my back or could it have been my imagination. I was wearing a tank top so there were several access points for entry of this intruder. I hung on to the hose and wiggled my shoulders, hoping that would make the feeling go away. It did not, but persisted. Then I reached one had around and felt the area until it contacted something under my shirt. Immediately I grabbed this thing that was about a fourth of an inch long. Even though it grossed me out a little I smashed it between my fingers as I dropped the hose and moved rapidly towards the back porch. Once there I stripped off my top to discover that there was a small wasp entangled in the threads. I shook it out, dashed up stairs to get a different top, sped back downstairs, out the door, ran to the front, picked up the hose and pointed it something that I really wanted to water. The creepy feeling of something else on my back stayed with me for a time, but I am glad I had not been stung.

I remember once my bother put a June bug down my back. It was more quite the experience as their feet feel more like tiny claws as they try to get some footing. Back in those days I did not wear a shirt, but a dress, even around home. I grabbed the zipper, pulled down, and let that bug escape, while my brother practically rolled on the ground laughing at my antics.

I also remember a morning that I put on my underpants which were lying on the chair. After I got them on I realized that there was a bug in them. I ran to my brother’s room where he squeezed and killed the intruder which again turned out to be a wasp. How that got in the house and in my pants was a mystery that we never did solve.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017



I washed underwear this morning so that led to some serious contemplation. There was a time in my life when all of my underwear looked the same. Underwear is possibly panties in your vernacular. I grew up with the word underwear or possibly underpants, but never panties.

Until I was in fourth grade I did not change my underpants every day. I am not sure how long a pair was worn, but I suspect there were family rules for such. My mother only washed on Mondays with the wringer washer. Consequently x number of pair lasted for a week. However, in fourth grade our teacher had us mark on a chart if we had on clean underpants, if we had taken a bath on Wed. nights, brushed our teeth, washed our face, or combed our hair. My family only took a bath on Saturday night. We did all use separate water even though the hot water had to be heated on the stove before being carried upstairs and poured into the bathtub where there was cold running water. Generally a bath meant less than an inch of water in the tub. School was important to me and getting good marks in everything mattered. I do not remember just how hard I had to talk to get my family to buy enough underpants for me to go the entire week. But I suspect this was no small decision. That additional bath per week also had to have been an effort to get done as it required a certain amount of work and water was precious at my house.

Now I have so many underpants of several types and colors. Oh, my fourth grade girlfriend had underpants that had the days of the week on them. How my heart envied her, but that was not to be for me as just plain white was the norm.

Recently I bought another package of underpants only to find that they were the full sized affair which fits at my waistline. I knew I did not want bikini style, but had no clue that what I really like are hipsters. The purchase was a good monetary deal, of course, as it even had an extra pair in there. So I will wear these giant things until their demise. My childhood rules live on, the underpants must be worn out before they go away.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Heavy Head?


I must have a heavy head because it still hurts the side of my face when I try to sleep on that side that has released its burden of cells that are not friendly. During the day, luckily there is no pain unless I would touch that scar a little too forcefully. I am once again reminded about how often I rest my head in my hand. Seems to me I must have a heavy head if it does not want to stay up on its own. Do you suppose that is because I have a large number of brain cells weighted down with serious thoughts?

Two nights ago I slept on my “injured” left side and it would be a while before I would wake up and move back to my back. This is not an easy process, however I slept better than I have in two weeks. I have a back sleeping pillow and a side sleeping pillow. I would reach my arm out of bed grab the appropriate pillow, put it up it under my head, and flop the other pillow in the chair next to the bed.

I also sleep with a knee pillow that is between my legs when on my side and under my legs when on my back. So besides switching the head pillow I had to move the knee pillow appropriately. Seems to me I should have gotten up and done a little dance. Oh I almost did as I would trot off to the bathroom. I have only been doing the head pillow musical chairs for a short time, but the knee pillow has been for many years. More than 20 years ago, Leroy had been having trouble with his back or some such when a chiropractor told him he should sleep with a knee pillow. After saying that, this guy added that everyone should have a knee pillow.

I love taking such advice to heart so I devised knee pillows for both of us. I took an old tired head pillow, rolled it together, and sewed down the length so it could not unroll. Then I took an older pillow case and cut it to a much smaller size. I do notice that my back feels much better with the knee pillow, but it is not great for shifting from one position to another.  Which is more important sleep or back? It weighs heavily on my heavy head.


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Leroy's full Day


Sometimes I forget how much Leroy does in a day. This is his Sunday. He got up at the usual time of 6:00 followed by a little stretching and a shower before breakfast and devotions. He then took a little reading break before he got ready to walk to church.

We did not stay for Sunday school as we had other things to do. We stopped in the community garden long enough o grab some of the small tomatoes to be considered snack. We kept munching and walking home. At home we needed to eat a little something more, change clothes, and head off to meet up with people preparing to clean sweep the neighborhood. Our team of seven consisted of neighbors, a Coe College student, and some Mount Mercy Students to gather up trash from the boulevard (Is that what the area between the sidewalk and the street is called?) and the adjacent gutter.

Leroy and I begged out a bit early before everything was clean, went home ate a little something again, changed clothes, and headed off to Coe for a piano concert. During intermission, we talked with a friend whom we had not seen in years. The concert was outstanding. Even though Leroy slept through a good bit of the first half, I am glad we went. I just kept telling myself that I was not embarrassed when I would see his head bobbing. I was grateful he did not snore.

After the concert we walked home past the community garden stopping long enough to pick some tomatoes to eat tonight and for tomorrow’s salad. I heard someone calling my name when we walked around the house. It was so we could admire the work that our downstairs friend had done in straightening up her garage.

In the house we quickly got out leftovers and I scrambled some eggs while Leroy cut bread. He was able to take some deep breaths, move a little slower before he got out the bike, since it was quicker than walking, and headed back to church for some grief share sessions.

On the other hand all I had to do was clean some tomatoes, apples, and blueberries, boil and peel hard boiled eggs for tomorrows lunches before I washed dishes. Since that time I have been free to do as I please.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Leroy and I at home


Because we were both at home we considered going to an Amish store to the south of Iowa City. However after checking the football schedule it was decided that life could be a lot better by staying away from the area on a home game day. Instead we rode our bikes to a co-op store that is just off the bike trail. Leroy has gotten there by this method, but I never had. It was certainly easy except for crossing a four lane street. At least when we were there the street was not as busy as I have seen it be from time to time.

Even though I was hot, tired, hungry, and thirsty on the way home, I voted to ride around the lake so we could check out any wild life. Wild life was taking a break as we saw almost no water birds and the fish were out of sight even though there were plenty of fisher people out to try their luck.

We had hoped to see pelicans as I had seen an article about what might be seen on the lake. Leroy wisely said that earlier or later would be a better time than getting close to noon.

I did see some of the red leafed poison ivy that was also mentioned in the article. As was stated it was far enough from the trail as to not be a problem. A few fall wildflowers were also in evidence.

As we came up to a bridge with Leroy in front, I looked ahead to see a bike rider just two or three feet in front Leroy with cell phone in hand, coming solidly in our lane. I yelled, “Whoa!”

He tore his attention away from his phone, looked up, and swerved into his lane. “Pay attention!” I then hollered and at the last minute added, “Please!”

No wonder there are so many accidents where phones are involved. I believe we have lost the art of being in the moment.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Silly Me


Wednesday, my day off, I worked in the garden early in the morning and was joined by a friend. We managed to get the winter onions looking better than they have in some time. Leroy is planning to once again rent a tiller and till up the garden in the fall followed by planting a cover crop. I suggested that he might like to till the onion bed as it has not been changed for at least three years. My friend agreed that it could use a remake. My plan is to harvest some of those small onion bulbs that continue to form, till, and then plant the bulbs for next spring’s earliest harvest.

Last week Leroy complained about being extremely tired. I must have that same vague illness because I even lay down for ten minutes after coming back from the garden. In spite of still feeling tired, I headed off to deliver the neighborhood newsletters that were left. It was two and a half blocks. Doesn’t sound like much does it? All of these blocks are a bit of work because of the hills involved. Some of these houses have about ten to fifteen steps up to their front door. I shamelessly cut across lawns if I can to avoid going up and down so many steps. However, on the last full block I decided to go back and forth across the block so I would not go up one side and down the other. Thus I would be in the right position to finish the half block. It was a struggle in my mind to keep going. More than once I chided myself about starting on such a vigorous plan. After all I could have done much more on Friday and still have the newsletter out on time. Just as I started down the last half block I ran out of papers. In my mind I was figuring out how I would get more papers. When I got home I found just the number of papers I needed. I had not taken them all with me! Silly me, but that means I had another good excuse to walk today.


Monday, September 11, 2017



This morning at breakfast Leroy commented that he knew where he was on this date years ago. Can it really be years ago? I had forgotten today’s date, but also remembered where I was when I hear that the tower was going done. I did see the other go down as I watched TV live. I also considered how I know where I was when I learned that Kennedy had been shot. I also saw the shooting of Oswald on TV. It was on a Sunday and I was home from church.

It is something how our brains selectively store memories. There is no command or will to do it, it just happens. Perhaps it has something to do with what touches us the most deeply. So many of the things we forget hardly penetrate to a serious level.

I have been grappling with how to get my IPERS retirement pension allocated. It is not a huge amount of money, because I did not work very many years for money, but I still have to decide. It seems to me that if I could see the future it would be an easy decision. Who will live longer: Leroy or me?

There are all types of issues that would be clearer if we could see the future. How would the insurance industry change if people could make choices on the known future? Seems that it is all based on gambling or a roll of the dice rather than anything any of us know. How would we spend our time if we knew life expectancy? How would I treat other people if I knew more about them and the road ahead for them and or me?

I vow to go through the day at work treating all as the special person they are, just because I do not know it all.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

God’s Work Our Hands


Our church participated in the event God’s Work Our Hands.  Leroy and I signed up to clean or paint at a homeless shelter that is very close to the church. No one else had signed, but I was hoping for reinforcements. We did indeed have reinforcements. There were at least 13 of us.

At first Leroy worked inside the building, packing paper that was coming out of a box of dishes that were ready to put on the shelf. The original plan was to throw the paper in the trash, but Leroy knew that it should be recycled so he was putting it in a box.

I had gone with someone else to get our weed eater and extension cords. On my return I took over Leroy’s job because I do not know how to use that weed eater. As it turned out there were no outside outlets so Leroy mowed the lawn instead.

When the unpacking was finished I went out and pulled weeds. That certainly took some effort in the hot sun with large well entrenched roots holding them securely, but it was very satisfying to do it as it all looked so much better when it was done.

When we arrived at the shelter we learned that they had not had lunch. Community people bring lunch in and whoever was scheduled that day had forgotten. One of our group went back to church where they procured the left over lunches that all of our workers had not eaten. So happy to see the sharing and finding the right place to be.

For some reason I was just very tired when we got done. Leroy and I had ridden our bikes to church and locked them up there. I guess riding the bike home was easier than walking, but who knows. When we got home I took the bandage off my face as it tends to hurt a little just under my jaw. It does feel much better; however I will put the bandage back on to sleep as who knows what might happen then. Just two more days until the stitches come out. Yeah!


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Kids in the Neighborhood


When we moved here five years ago there were not very many kids in the neighborhood or at least not in the adjacent houses. Now there is a kid in the house on either side of us, across the alley and up one house and down another there is a child. Across the street there is a child or more in three of the houses. Personally I am happy to see that.

My mother told me that when I was young I did not like the word child. I became angry and upset if they would call me a child. I am not sure why, but I still do not like that word and seldom use it. It just seems to rub against my skin.

The nights are getting dark and cooler so I notice that the kids all disappear earlier in the evening. I suppose that means that I should be thinking about bringing my kid houseplants in or at least getting them ready for the indoor life. It is especially important to find and eliminate the spiders or other small creatures that might have taken up residence. I will have to ask Leroy if I can once again put some in his church office. I personally, even though I almost never go there, consider them an asset for his space. Then there is the library where I work. I will have to beg and plead to put them back there once more, especially the large fern that would not fit in our house very well.

Then there is a neighbor who might take some of them for her supply. I asked her and she sounded pleased about that idea. I just have to get them over there. That would be taking care of my kids.


Friday, September 8, 2017



My face seems to be doing ok. Leroy was nervous about changing the dressing so he asked for help from our downstairs friend, Robin. Between the two of them they managed quite well. The first time took a bit of consultation and compromise as neither knew just what they were doing. Last night, however, it moved forward much more quickly. Leroy thought he would get help at least one more time, maybe more as it takes a bit of maneuvering to go over my jaw as well as keep my hair away from the tape. Both times there has been some hair under the tape, but I threw caution to the wind and had Leroy cut it rather than undo the bandage. I still have plenty of hair left and besides it grows back so it is ok. It is interesting that the only painful spot, and it is not bad, is under my jaw lower than the offending lump. Also when the deadening was first gone I had pain up by my eye. Nerves that got bumped?

Sleeping has been a bit of a struggle as I miss my favorite side. The first two nights I slept in bed with pillows propping me up. Last night I lay flat with just one pillow as usual. I tried to stay on my back most of the time with just one session on the non-favored side. That was ok. Tiredness does contribute to sleep.

We have enjoyed some Painted lady butterflies drinking nectar at the autumn sedum on the side of the house. There has been quite a flock. Sometimes as many 20-30 are sitting on one plant. They do not sit still long enough for me to get a good count. They are getting ready to migrate south. Apparently they will stay as long as the weather and the food source holds steady. Surely they are contributing to my feeling of health and well being.

I thought you might like to see them.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Knowing Neighbors


Getting to know neighbors can be a slow process. Lately it has speeded up a little. We were out walking when we met two women and a young child. The younger woman greeted Leroy with, “Do you work at the Czech museum?”

Can you imagine? It was one of his coworkers who moved in across the alley and down two houses. Her husband works for Coe College. Seems that the neighborhood is getting smaller. She was very interested to learn about the community garden as she has had a very large garden in the past. I am just hoping for some avid weeders to come some day.

Then shortly thereafter Leroy looked out the kitchen window at the house next door. He saw a bat flying close to dusk in an area that is like a summer sleep room on the second floor. We (I went too, because I did not want to be left out.) knocked on the door to let them know about it. A nice conversation ensued. I do think that fences keep us from visiting as it blocks the causal wave when either of us is outside.

The garden finally produced some cucumbers. That also ledA to the chance to visit with some neighbors who were outside. Leroy took some produce to a man down our street who has told me that he will eat almost all veggies. He unfortunately has difficulty walking so he cannot easily get to the garden. This year the garden has not produced as well so I have not had the key for visits. I am not comfortable just talking a lot to almost strangers. It must be that introvert holding me back.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

My Face


There is only one more thing to say about that trip on the last day of having family with us. On the 3-4 hour drive home, the silence settled in, both welcome/peaceful and dreaded/no energy to it. Life seems to have two ways to embrace it as usual.

About six to eight weeks ago I developed a spot on my face that seemed suspicious. Luckily I had an appointment for my dermatology check. The Dr. was quite concerned. Now I wonder if much of his concern was related to the fact that he might have missed it before, but I think it just grew since he saw me. He biopsied it with the report coming back that it was Squamous cell carcinoma.

Today I had the Mohs surgery to make sure all of the cancer was removed. The procedure itself did not take so very long, but I had a long wait to see the Dr. who commented that if I had to have skin cancer on my face it was a good spot as it is close to my ear and almost out of sight. The wait after they deadened the spot was so long that they had to check to make sure it was still unfeeling before they began cutting. There was a wait again after they said it was all good and I could be closed. The additional deadening still was effective. One of the nurses commented that it was crazy around there today. I guess that means something out of the norm was going on.

During the times I could not read I practiced breathing and meditation. Hopefully, that all lowered any feelings of anxiety. Sleep even seemed like a possibility.

I had thought about going back to work after the procedure, but during the care instruction time it was emphasized three times that I should do nothing in particular today and tomorrow. So I am home. I was surprised by the instruction not to bend down and lower my head even to look in the refrigerator. I am trying to remain upright and if I want to get low, I squat. I am very good at squatting so that is not a problem.


Monday, September 4, 2017

On The Road

On the Road

September 4, 2017


Leroy, Brian’s kids, and I headed off on Highway 52 north to meet Brian. These children wanted to revisit the Whippy Dip, an ice cream place in Decorah. They declared it to be a highlight of our camping trip last year. I love this road with its marvelous vistas as you cruise along plenty of curves and hills.

After a bit Sophia groaned, “I do not feel well.”

I remembered rather belatedly that she has motion sickness. Leroy pulled over on the first almost safe place on the side of the road so her position was stable for a while. I got out and found a bread bag that I emptied of its contents and gave it to her for any need later.

We got going again only to have her actually throw up in spite of having the air conditioning as high as it would go and driving slower than we had been. We stopped once more in a rather scary place as this road was not made for people to make random stops. I was happy to see that everything was in the bag which I tied shut. Another bag was not to be found. I called Brian, “Can Sophia sit in the front seat? How old or big do they need to be?”

On his ok we had Sophia sit in the front while I moved to the back. At the first gas station we got rid of the bag, pleaded for a bag, received four, and bought some hard candies. The person there said, “Kids can ride in the front seat if they are 12 or older.”

We then had tall nine year old Sophia sit in the back once more. She moaned, “Let’s skip the Whippy Dip.”

We traveled on a bit of distance before she once again wanted to stop. Leroy pulled into the parking lot of a motel. She lay on the grass, but I saw a bench and wondered if she would be more comfortable. She was worried that the owners would not like that. I went in and asked.

The man told us it would be ok, but he would get her a pillow to make her more comfortable. When he came back he said, “I will let you use a room.”He also brought a bottle of water for her.

After a bit she felt better and we moved on. At this time the road was not so hilly or curvy and Sophia started to feel much better. With some skepticism the Whippy Dip was discussed. But plowed under by the persuasive powers of grandchildren, we made a stop. It was declared as good as last year.

Just about 10-15 miles from Rochester, Sophia threw up once more. This time she got it in the bag, but some on her shirt and some on her leggings. By now it was raining.

I made the decision that we would call Brian, thank God for cell phones, and move our meeting place to a gas station that was close. There we would have a shelter from the rain if parked at the pumps. Also a bathroom would be close so Sophia could change her clothes.

At the stop we managed to find her dirty clothes bag, pulled out the needed changes, and headed toward the building. Because Sophia did not want anyone to see her messed up clothes, I walked in front of her. The change was made successfully. We also found it a quick job to move children’s items from our car to Brian’s.

The car did not even smell bad after the airing time as nothing was projected onto the car’s interior. It does help that Sophia is old enough to control a bit of what happens.

I suppose we should have skipped the Whippy Dip, but I am not sure that the kids thought so.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Our Last Day Together


We headed off to the Dubuque River Museum early Monday morning. Two cars were required to haul the team. Later Miriam and her family would head off to Chicago to get on two planes; Andy to go to work while Miriam and the girls would go home. In the meantime Leroy and I would head north to meet Brian in Rochester to give back the gift of his children.

I was especially interested in seeing the monster fish at the museum. I had been hoping that there might be an actual monster, but the descriptions were good too. We had a group picture taken there so I was pleased with that.

However, touching the rays pulled ahead in popularity. It was interesting to see many of the exhibits again because I did not remember everything.

When we arrived at the museum there was a long line of people there hoping to see the eclipse. We did not get in that line, but went outside just a few minutes ahead of the 90% showing. Luckily the clouds moved aside and a museum worker came up and asked if we would like to look through the special glasses. People were taking turns and we did the same. It was great to see it.

Afterwards when I talked to people who saw the 100% show, it was noticeable that they were quite excited about what they had experienced. I made a vow that next time I would drive to be in the right place for that. Do you imagine that I will remember and respond correctly to it?
