Monday, September 19, 2016

Long Weekend


It was a good time. We visited with seminary friends that we have not often seen, but they still have a good connection with us. We learned about their families, health, joys, and sorrows. When we saw the entire group of the seminary class there were two people I did not remember from the past. All of these graduates were men, because that was the rule back then. I asked one man, “I am sorry I do not remember you. Did I know you and just forget?”

“I do not know you,” he replied, “You probably did not know me because I would come to class and then go home or go to work.”

From the update at the seminary, I suspect that, today, with all of the online students many of them will not know each other and a 40th class reunion will not hold the same attraction that it does for us.

It was a nice coincidence that Sophia’s birthday party was on the same weekend and we got to share in that time with her.

All went smoothly. Leroy even did not complain of his hip hurting him on the way home. Course I drove for three hours at a stretch and he just drove 1.5 hours. That might have contributed to more moving around and keeping it easy.

We did not see any exciting wildlife except in the park close to Brian’s house. Early in the morning a great blue heron was checking out the fishing possibilities. We also heard some owls.

One afternoon we took the kites to the park and tried to persuade them to go up in the air with the light breeze of four mph or less. We did a lot of running and for some brief moments they did get off the ground and teased us with the possibility of flight. On the next day, we noted that the wind would have easily kept them up, but we had no time for such frivolity.


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