Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Long weekend


Leroy and I are going to MN tomorrow for a long weekend. Somehow leaving always means a push to get everything done. I washed four loads of clothes today because Friday and Saturday are my main laundry days when I can hang clothes on the line. In the winter when I do not put them out it is easier to get it done in a shorter amount of time so I more frequently wash a load before going to work. Going up and down the stairs was my workout for the day. I also delivered some of the neighborhood newsletters down here in the flatlands helping someone else finish their share. It would also have to add to my exercise total. Then tonight I will walk to church for choir. I am grateful for these legs that work for me.

In addition I got some green beans put in the freezer as well as some okra. These were rather small amounts of each, but they would not keep until we got back.

Then I did a little bit of cleaning in the bathroom with the idea that I really should do a complete clean of that room. When the garden is done I resolve to work on those tasks that are not so much fun, but have satisfying results.

We will see Leroy’s seminary classmates as they graduated 41 years ago and the January reunion did not work so well in a snow storm. I had the idea that I might get some new clothes just for this, but could not get myself to the store so it will be whatever I can put together. There are days when I wish I had a personal clothes buyer, one who would know what would look good on me and that I would feel comfortable wearing. There is a pipe dream.


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