Tuesday, March 15, 2016

At Brian’s House


We arrived in good time Sunday evening. Time enough to get updates and hugs from the children, but no time to take the dog for a walk even though she clearly thought it might be an option. Leroy slept in Logan’s room because according to Sophia, “He snores too much.”

I said, “He doesn’t snore much.” To which Sophia just laughed.

I climbed up to the top bunk in Sophia’s room because she has casts on her legs so she cannot easily navigate the ladder. I had brought the traveling alarm clock, but could not find it in the dark after Sophia was asleep. For some reason my neck was hurting so I woke up every time I wanted to move my body. Then at about 4 in the morning I heard an intermittent beeping sound. I lay still for a while trying to identify the source. It did not sound like either of our phones. Finally I slung a leg over the edge and sought the top rung of the ladder. The beeping continued, but I was unsure of the source. It did not help that I had not put on my glasses. The sound was not too loud, so now that I knew there was not some easy fix I climbed hopefully back to bed. Hope dissolved about half an hour later as the sound continued to infiltrate my mind. This time I put on my glasses and grabbed the flashlight before I climbed out of bed. Well armed, I found the culprit, a smoke/carbon monoxide alarm in the mudroom. It was too high for me to reach so I just closed the door hoping that would muffle the beep enough to allow me to go back to sleep. Some time later I heard someone, Brian, come downstairs. After that I did not hear that beep. At 6:30 that alarm started to wake me up. Sophia sat up and said, “What is that?”

Again I scrambled down the ladder and searched my suitcase where the sound quickly alerted me to its location. Then I lay down on Sophia’s bed and we had a little morning chat. I felt as if the day was half gone.

Sometimes I think life has not a dull moment. Just what is a dull moment anyway?

I gave Logan his birthday presents. One was a large deck of cards that especially seemed to please him. We immediately played “Go Fish”. I think it was nice to get some presents on a different day. It is hard to appreciate several things all at once. This allowed some savoring of the new.


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