Monday, October 26, 2015



Leroy wore his new pants to church yesterday. This pair was one he had not even tried on, but assumed that it would fit just like the first. I personally do not trust that as I have had some clothing items be mismarked or some such. The pants looked good on him, not so in style that anyone would notice, but at least not large enough to fit two of his legs in one side. He wishes they had had a pair in grey and he would have bought that too. I am just happy not to be ashamed to be seen with him.

He took one of his old pairs, which is getting frayed on the hem edge, to work with him to leave at the museum for when he wears shorts riding the bike and needs to change. I personally did not think it was very noticeable, maybe because I seldom look at the hem of man’s pants. I have no idea how much clothing he has at the museum, but I think it is a bit. He is prepared for any variation.

The other pair is more frayed, but the rest of it looks quite good. I am, unsuccessfully, thinking of ways to make them look better. I suppose I should just get rid of them as Leroy is set to do. I pinned them up, but then as was expected, they were too short. I just put them on the give-away pile! Pays to tell you about it!

I am reading, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Even though I have not read much, I sense that the real deal for us is that we need to move to keep the stuff under control. It has been long enough now to start accumulating. I am not sure I can get rid of when I do not have to lug it around. Hiding it away keeps it from my mind. I do know that there is a wonderful feeling of lightness when I eliminate things that I do not use or particularly like.

If I were paying for a class with this woman, I would surely do it because I paid for it. I never want to waste money!


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